How to use "above" in a sentence


I've managed to chip a space above and below an area of pink rock

The idea is to throw the rope over one of the boulders above my head

The sun is shining into the canyon and a raven has just flown across the blue sky above my head

There's a sharp piece of rock above my head

But then I hear a sound from above and realise my mistake

The sky above is beautiful: clear with bright stars

Sunlight shines off the bottom of thin clouds high above me

Why not find a hard rock and use it to break the boulder? There's one in a hole in the canyon wall above me

The clock above read 9.07 am

3.03 pm A noise somewhere above me answers the question

When my head was finally above the waves, I saw that the Abraham Lincoln was more than one hundred feet away.

He was a whale hunter and his life was above the water, hunting whales.

This ship goes above water every two days to fill it with clean air

The top of the Nautilus was just above the surface of the water

There was something above her head.

But now there was nothing above Alices head - not an eye or an ear or a smile

They sat on big chairs above all the animals and birds

Elizabeth Prater lived above Mary's room

In the light of a lamp above a doorway, he saw four men moving along the street in his direction

Outside it had stopped snowing, and a full moon was growing steadily brighter above the mist

Leblanc was standing by the fire, holding a metal bar above his head.

The rope ladder was swinging gently above the empty street.

Marius was standing at the foot of the barricade, holding a flaming torch above a barrel of gunpowder.

He could just see, by the grey light from the grille above his head, that he was surrounded by walls

He walked in total darkness, the silence broken occasionally by the thunder of gun carriages and horses racing along the streets of Paris far above his head.

The only thing he was sure of was that the light through the grilles far above his head was growing weaker, which meant that the sun was setting

I don't know whether the person who gave them to me is pleased as he looks down on me from above

He watches us all from above and knows what he is doing among his splendid stars

The sun is high above Canary Wharf

The sun is somewhere up there, above the skyscrapers of Times Square

Eleanor smiles shyly and moves the elegant white silk scarf that lies around her neck above her black dress

We're miles up above one of the loudest cities in the world

Sunlight shone through the trees above, and soft golden sand seemed to lie at their feet

Most of them had at least forty floors above ground - these were called "sky apartments." Below ground, there were often another ten floors, for "earth apartments." The government had started building under the ground long ago, because the land inside the city was so limited.

"Is that you, Sala?" called a voice from somewhere above

Sala waited in the pod as they made the final checks, bright lights blinding her from above.

Her fat, heavy body swayed above her short fat legs

We climbed the grass bank above the lawns and walked down into the woods

I looked up at the window above my head

I climbed up the path to the cliffs above the bay

There was no moon and the sky above our heads was black

She was about to head for the den when she noticed something odd about four framed eight-by-ten photographs that were grouped on the wall above the sofa

But how was that possible? How in the name of God could there be ice here, in a well-heated house and on a night when the outside temperature was at least twenty degrees above the freezing point?

Hovered above the floor

A five-piece band hammered out wildly amplified pop music from the small stage in the open cocktail lounge beyond and slightly above the slot machines

Hundred-foot-long signs-five - hundred-foot-long signs - towered five or even ten stories above the street, glittering, winking, thousands of miles of bright glass tubing filled with glowing gas, blinking, swirling, hundreds of thousands of bulbs, spelling out hotel names, forming pictures with light

Elliot carried their empty brandy glasses to the bar in the corner and switched on the light above the sink

This was perfect weather for flying, one of those crystalline days when being above the earth would make him feel clean and free.

In letters that were supposed to look as if they had been formed from rotting shroud cloth, the artist had emblazoned the title across the top of the first page, above a somber, well-detailed scene of a rain-swept graveyard

The old man had to shout to be heard above the explosive voices on the jukebox

The Cessna Turbo Skylane RG knifed through the darkness, two miles above the Nevada desert, with the low clouds under it, wings plated silver by moonlight.

In Reno, which billed itself as "The Biggest Little City in the World," the temperature hovered at twenty-one degrees above zero as midnight approached

Although he was struggling to cast off the seizure of claustrophobia that had gripped him, was trying to pretend that the organic-looking ceiling wasn't pressing low over his head and that only open sky hung above him instead of thousands of tons of concrete and steel rock, his own panic attack concerned him less than what was happening beyond the viewport.

The silencer was so effective that the shots could not be heard above the brittle, papery rustle of the wind.

When they came out of this curve, the trees fell back from the verge, and open sky lay above for the first time since they had departed the county blacktop.

According to the indicator board above the doors, they were on the fourth of four levels

The cab controls would not operate unless one first inserted an acceptable ID card into a slot above them

The chopper hugged the valley floor, streaking northward, ten feet above an ice-blocked river, still forced to make its way through a snowfall that nearly blinded them, but sheltered from the worst of the storm's turbulence by the walls of mammoth evergreens that flanked the river

Before he got to the guard shack at the upper gate, he climbed onto the ridge above, used the snowshoes to circle the guard, returned to the road, and threw the snowshoes away

It had been only fifteen or twenty feet above the pavement, but it rapidly climbed forty, fifty, sixty feet.

I thought that the sounds came from up above but when I called up these stairs, "Is anybody there?" there was no answer, so I went back to bed

There were trees above, but again there were some broken bushes

'Mr Redding had probably used some rope to hang the stone above the picric acid

Suddenly, like a thing falling on me from above, came fear

'Leatherhead!' I shouted above the sudden noise.

I was wet with rain above and pool-water below

It was already raising the case which sent the Heat-Ray when the first shell burst six metres above its head.

I saw people struggling towards the shore and heard their screaming and shouting faintly above the noise of the Martian's fall.

High in the west the moon hung pale above the smoke and the hot, still beauty of the sunset.

And in the sky above them, the dawn was growing brighter - clear and calm.

I expected at least to see smoke or fire, but there was only the deep-blue sky above and one single star

People were actually climbing down onto the boats from the bridge above.

The voice grew stronger and stronger, although I could see nothing above the roof-tops on the north side of the park except some smoke to the north-west.

The entry above - recording the marriage of a man called Walter - took much more space