How to use "absolutely" in a sentence


Mme Thenardier, Eponine and Azelma stood absolutely still

Pontmercy is absolutely right,' he said, changing his voice

She was absolutely right.

In the meantime, she absolutely had to get some sleep

She was absolutely sure of that now.

Not until he's absolutely certain the heat is off

And George Lincoln Stanhope Alexander, who was an heir to both the fortune of the Pennsylvania Alexander's and to the enormous wealth of the Delaware Stanhopes, had absolutely no patience with people who were penurious.

'It was absolutely necessary for a shot to be heard because without it Mrs Protheroe might have continued to be a suspect

After this it seemed that the three Martians spoke together, and those who were watching them report that they stayed absolutely quiet for the next half-hour

Also, strange as it may seem, the Martians were absolutely without sex

I know a little of psychology and I am absolutely certain that they exchanged thoughts.

Her face was the strangest yellow colour and it had absolutely no expression.