How to use "across" in a sentence


The sun is shining into the canyon and a raven has just flown across the blue sky above my head

All I have for the time I've spent on this is a long red line across my right arm

Other times I am running across bright green fields with my friends.

The little boy runs across the wooden floor, laughing

All I know is that we travelled 20,000 leagues under the sea, from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean, through the Reel Sea and the Mediterranean, across the Atlantic and to the North and South Poles

Then they ran after me across the football field

But Coach Bryant called me across

When they were winning 28 to 7, Coach Bryant called me across

I picked up Doyle and put him across my shoulders, then I ran towards the hill

Well, lots of newspaper men started taking photographs before Colonel Gooch could run across and pull me away!

She sat down across my legs and put her arms round me

'Why don't you wait for me in that bar across the street? Then I'll take you to my place.'

She came across to the bar after work, and we had a drink and talked.

I had another hour before I had to catch the bus again, so I went across and watched him

But just when Honest Ivan seemed to be winning, Sue ran across the room and jumped onto the chess table!

And when I finished playing, she held the little boy's hand and came across.

To those people in the huts and villages across the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them, help themselves, for whatever period is required - not because the communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right.

Chandler arrived at number 29 and noted down that the woman was lying on her back, with a deep cut from left to right across her throat and mutilations to her stomach

'What about that one over there?' she said, pointing across the square to a small house beside the bishop's palace.

A woman saw me lying on a stone bench across the square and suggested that I come here

As he was following the bishop across the room, however, he noticed Mme Magloire putting the silver knives and forks in a cupboard by the bed.

The night was not very dark; there was a full moon, hidden from time to time by large clouds moving quickly across the sky

Finally, as evening fell, he sat on the ground, exhausted, and gazed across the fields at the distant mountains, wishing that he was back in prison

Mme Thenardier rushed across the room towards Cosette who, afraid that she would be punished, put the doll gently on the floor and began to cry.

The old man left the inn and, minutes later, returned with something in his hands: the beautiful doll from the stall across the road.

Soldiers accompanied the coffin as it was carried slowly across Paris

The crowd grew more and more excited, until finally they tried to take the coffin away from the soldiers and carry it across a bridge

Soldiers attacked the crowd with swords; the crowd threw stones and ran screaming across the bridge

Minutes later, the sounds of war echoed across the whole city of Paris.

The gunner - a fair-haired, handsome young man - spun round twice with his head thrown back, and fell sideways across the cannon

With Marius lying across his shoulders, Valjean walked forward into the darkness, feeling his way along the wet, slippery walls with his hands

He looks out across the horrible, grey loch

And he remembers something horrible from more than a year ago: an accident on the roads across the moors

He was hit by a car last year while he cycled across Brow Top road

Sometimes he looks across at the defendant's sister, a young woman with long, dark hair and sad eyes

He knew that he brewed illegal beer to sell and that he drove drugs across Alberta and British Colombia

"I don't want you to say anything stupid, Jimmy, because this is your last chance." He looks across the pool to his assistant

"Can you imagine?" She looked across at Cham

To get home quickly, they stepped onto one of the fast-moving walkways that stretched in all directions across the city.

"Well, I suppose I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe, there is still life in the outside world - and maybe someone from that world has found a way across the city boundary."

She arrived just as the rain began to pour, and lightning flashed across the sky

"Who are they? How did they get it across the boundary?"

If the government finds out that messages are getting through the force field and passing across the city boundary, there could be big trouble."

The journey across the city seemed to take forever; but when she arrived, Cham was waiting, hands in pockets

When she came toward the biggest walkway of all - the one that stretched right across the city - Sala's heart started beating faster

"So, was that note really from Gran's brother? Are people alive out there - outside the city? How did you get the note across the force field?" She had so many questions.

"You've gotten people across?"

Then maybe they would help us escape across the boundary."

'Not like you? Why shouldn't she like you?' said Maxim and he came across the room and kissed me gently.

I went across the hall and into the dining-room once more

We set off together across the lawns to the woods

Maxim picked up a stone and threw it across the beach for Jasper.

A small stone wall across the bay made it into a small harbour

I put the handkerchief in my pocket and walked slowly across the hall to the library

I walked across the room and knelt down by Maxim's chair.

He kissed me and walked across the room.

I walked slowly across the beach to the cottage

As I walked across the lawn, I looked up at the west wing

Mrs Danvers put the slippers back under the chair and walked across the room to a large wardrobe.

I walked across to the window

I walked back across the lawn

He went across the lawn only a few minutes ago.'

A blood-red light was spreading across the sky

Nathan quickly gets away from Bud and runs across the roof of the building.

Quickly, he runs across to the building and begins to climb.

The Cat and Natalie run across the roof of the building

As they stared at each other through two windows and through the strange sulphurous light, she had the feeling that they were making contact across an immense gulf of space and time and destiny

In the dream, Danny was standing at the edge of a bottomless gorge, and Tina was on the far side, opposite him, looking across the immense gulf

But now it lay at an angle, the base against the wall, the easel itself slanted, chalkboard-down, across a game table

The sulfur-yellow light from the street lamps failed to reach all the way across the lawn

A flickering, nervous scowl played across her face, alternating with a tentative smile that appeared when the audience laughed, applauded, or gasped in surprise.

Her shoulder-length hair - deep brown, almost black, glossy - swept across her brow, feathered back at the sides, and framed her face as though it were a painting by a great master

If the gigantic sets and lavish costumes and intricate choreography were overdone, or if any element was improperly executed, the production would quickly stumble across the thin line between captivating show-biz flash and sheer vulgarity

The radio's digital display began to change, the orange numbers escalating across the frequency band, sweeping through one station after another

A neighbor's white cat crept across the lawn, stalking a wind-tossed scrap of paper

She edged around the pit, determined to make the hateful bastard stop what he was doing, but he took a step away from her for every step that she took toward him, and he always stayed directly across the hole from her

She wiped one hand across her face, sloughing off a film of perspiration

The airplane models were no longer in the display case; they were strewn across the floor, and a few were broken

Halfway across the long room, they stopped at a clearing where a middle-aged man lay on his back, unconscious, in front of a blackjack table

As she drove across the intersection and into the entrance drive that led to the Golden Pyramid Hotel, Tina couldn't shake the creepy feeling that she was being watched by someone who meant to harm her

She glanced at the printer, then at the words that flickered across the screen.

Tina went to the bar and sat on one of the three stools, across the counter from Elliot

She rose out of her chair, leaned across the table, kissed him.

"Push it across the counter, out of reach."

She dragged it into the bedroom, across the carpet, into the shafts of reddish-gold afternoon sunlight that filtered through the sheltering trees outside and then through the dust-filmed window.

He stepped across the threshold.

In letters that were supposed to look as if they had been formed from rotting shroud cloth, the artist had emblazoned the title across the top of the first page, above a somber, well-detailed scene of a rain-swept graveyard

The flagstone walk that led across her front lawn seemed to be one of those treadmill pathways in a dream, stretching out farther in front of her the harder that she ran, but at last, she reached the end of it and dashed into the street

"Like the newspapers, for one," Elliot said, accelerating across the intersection, glancing in the rearview mirror

As he and Tina walked across the parking lot toward the diner, Elliot couldn't shake the feeling that someone or something was watching them

A breath of wind stirred a dry tumbleweed and blew it across the blacktop.

Lincoln, and the boys stumbled across a place like that in the Sierras?"

He reached across the table and put his hand over hers

A brisk wind pushed across the city from the east

The fine spray, propelled with tremendous pressure, caught him squarely in the face, across the nose and lips, penetrating swiftly and deeply into the nostrils

The digital station indicator began to sweep across the frequencies

Aaron Zachariah, younger than Dombey, clean-shaven, with straight brown hair, leaned over one of the computers, reading the data that flowed across the screen

The long driveway curved up and to the right, like a width of black funeral bunting draped across the rising, snow-shrouded lawn

When he was across the wall, he looked back, but he couldn't see anyone.

When they were nearly halfway across the graveyard, when Elliot was positive they weren't being pursued, he stopped, leaned against a tall monument, and tried not to take such huge, deep gulps of the painfully cold air

It spun across the street, jumped the curb, crashed through a hedge, destroyed a plaster birdbath, and came to rest in the middle of a snow-blanketed lawn.

They were in a ten-passenger jet that belonged to the Network, and the aircraft took a battering from the high-altitude winds that blew across its assigned flight corridor

Half an hour and five maps later, Tina's hand suddenly skipped across the paper as if someone had bumped her arm.

Abruptly her hand swung across the map, then back, then described a series of circles; the pen made meaningless scrawls on the paper

Elliot and Tina spread the map on the table and sat down across from each other.

It didn't swoop and dart uncontrollably this time; it crept carefully, hesitantly across the paper, leaving a thin red line of ink like a thread of blood.

Tina leaned across the corner of the table, grabbed Billy's head in her hands, pulled his face to hers, and kissed him

The trees hung low, lower, lower still, until, at last, the ice-crusted evergreen boughs frequently scraped across the roof of the Explorer with a sound like fingernails being drawn down a blackboard.

Branches scraped across the roof, and powdery snow cascaded over the windshield, onto the hood.

The Explorer roared across the straightaway and careened up the slope beyond, through the tendrils of steam that rose from the black pavement.

Tall lampposts were arrayed across this featureless plain, casting dim, reddish light that was severely directed downward to attract as little attention as possible from aircraft that strayed out of the usual flight patterns and from anyone backpacking elsewhere in these remote mountains

The flakes were hard, dry, and granular; they hissed like driven sand across the Perspex windscreen.

Hensen was holding a submachine gun across his lap

The intersecting hall began directly in front of them, across from the guardroom, and bored at least four hundred feet into the mountain; a long row of doors waited on each side of it, and other corridors opened off it as well.

What I'm going to do is make an indirect approach to the plateau, moving with the wind instead of across it

If you haven't yet read The Eyes of Darkness, I am giving away nothing important in the story when I tell you that eventually, in a search for her lost son, Tina ventures into the High Sierras in winter, where she comes across a paved road, in the middle of the wilderness, that features heating coils under the pavement to prevent snow from sticking to it

My brother lay flat on his stomach across the conveyor line which carried the white-hot pieces of metal up to the hammer

The wind blows the hat out across the water.

He walks quietly across the beach

I said I would look at Dr Stone's barrow.' And she wandered out again, and across the garden.

I took a few steps across the room and then stopped

Colonel Protheroe was lying across my desk

I went across to him

'You've never done one.' Before Griselda could reply, a shadow fell across the table, and a very gentle voice said, 'Please forgive me

Then I went straight across to the study and looked through the window

I went across and looked between them

Goodnight, Mr Clement.' And she went quickly across the lawn towards her house.

He went across to Hawes and quickly examined him

But across the great emptiness of space, more intelligent minds than ours looked at this Earth with jealous eyes, and slowly and surely made their plans against us

And looking across space, with instruments and minds more powerful than we can dream of, they see, at a distance of only 56,000,000 kilometres, a morning star of hope - our own warmer planet with its green land and grey seas, its cloudy atmosphere and its growing population.

Because it was so small, I did not see the Thing they were sending us, which was flying quickly towards me across that great distance

But no one suspected the truth, that the Martians had fired missiles, which were now rushing towards us at a speed of many kilometres a second across the great emptiness of space.

The uncovered part looked like an enormous cylinder, about thirty metres across each end

He stopped for a moment, then walked across to the house.

After it got dark, the soldier finally ran and managed to get across the railway.

If I had been alone, I think I would have taken my chance and gone straight across country

There was no great fear at this time, but already there were more people than all the boats could carry across the Thames

Then came the sound of a gun and, almost immediately, other guns across the river, unseen because of the trees, began to fire

When I lifted my head it was looking towards the guns that were still firing across the river

It ran across the river and the water behind it boiled

Then I saw the four of them carrying the remains of the fallen one between them, now clear and then later faint through a curtain of smoke, moving away from me across a great space of river and fields

From beyond the low hills across the water came the dull sound of the distant guns and a far-away strange crying

There was a noise of doors opening, and the lights went on in window after window in the houses across the street.

All around him - in the rooms below, in the houses on each side and across the road, and all across London - people were rubbing their eyes and opening windows to stare out and ask questions, and getting dressed quickly as the first breath of the coming storm of fear blew through the streets

While the curate had sat and talked so wildly to me in the flat fields near Walton, and while my brother was watching the refugees pour across Westminster Bridge, the Martians had started to attack again

Then, far across the river, we saw another, similar hill

By midday a cloud of slowly sinking Black Smoke had moved along the Thames, cutting off all escape across the bridges

He suggested that they should drive across Essex to the sea at Harwich, and from there get right out of the country.

They were taken through Barnet and were more than a kilometer beyond the centre of the town before they could fight their way across to the other side of the road.

These waited in a long line, ready for action, right across the mouth of the Thames, watching the Martian attack but powerless to prevent it.

A Martian walked across the fields at about midday, killing the stuff with steam

As soon as the curate caught up with me, we saw either the fighting-machine we had seen before or another one, far away across the fields

I was knocked across the floor and my head hit the oven

However, at first I hardly noticed the pit and the cylinder, because of the strange shining machine that I saw working there, and the odd creatures that were crawling slowly and painfully across the earth near it.

They had large, round bodies - or perhaps heads - about a metre and a half across

Then curiosity gave me courage and I got up, stepped across him and went to the hole.

Before he was half-way across the floor, I was right behind him

I looked up and saw the lower part of a building- machine coming slowly across it

Then I heard the sound of a heavy body - I knew whose it was - being dragged across the floor of the kitchen towards the opening

Then I heard a faint metallic sound as the tentacle moved back across the kitchen floor

Near the top of Putney Hill I came across more human bones, eaten clean and left lying around

And after they went away, I went towards Walton across the fields

'They've gone away across London,' he said

After I had said goodbye to the soldier, I went down the hill, along the High Street and across the bridge to Fulham

At first I thought a house had fallen across the road, but when I climbed up on the ruins I saw, with a shock, this great machine lying, with its tentacles bent and twisted, among the ruins that it had made

In front of me the road became black and I saw the twisted shape of a body lying across the pavement

And the food! Across the Channel, across the Irish Sea, across the Atlantic, corn, bread and meat were coming to us

Perhaps, across the great distances of space, the Martians have watched what happened to the ones that landed on Earth and learned their lesson - and have found a safer home on the planet Venus

There is an inn and two houses near our house, and a single cottage across the field in front of our house

The cat was walking slowly across the street

When Mensar-Arthur saw Mercy, he reached across and opened the door to the passenger seat

Earhart was the first woman to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean.

In 1932, she was the first woman to fly alone across the Atlantic, which she did in 14 hours and 56 minutes.

In 1935, she was the first person to fly alone the 2,408 miles across the Pacific between Honolulu, Hawaii, and Oakland, California