How to use "agency" in a sentence


Yes, we work for a government agency

"If you're working for a government intelligence agency, then go away and come back with the legal papers," Elliot said

"The agency we work for doesn't officially exist," Bob said

"So how can an agency that doesn't exist go to court for a subpoena? Get serious, Mr

While Elliot drove, he told Tina what had happened at his house: the two thugs, their interest in the possibility of Danny's grave being reopened, their admission that they worked for some government agency, the hypodermic syringes...

Besides, we're dealing with a government agency, and government agencies tend to cooperate with one another."

"What kind of government agency would have the authority to circumvent the law like this? What kind of agency would be empowered to kill innocent civilians who got in its way?"

The night clerk at the rental agency, from whom they had signed out the car, had known exactly where Bellicosti's place was, and he had marked the shortest route on the free city map provided with the Chevy.

Then, six years ago, the Network had been formed, and the President had given George the task of developing a reliable South American bureau of the new intelligence agency