How to use "almost" in a sentence


The movement stops almost immediately

3.28 pm It's almost forty-five minutes since my accident

7.0 pm I've been chipping at the rock for almost three and a half hours

For almost one hour the pain, screams, and cutting continue.

You're almost safe.

I'm almost finished."

It was almost night before we found our other soldiers in the jungle.

Then, when it got light, an American plane came and used fire-throwers on the enemy - and almost on us! Suddenly the trees were on fire, and men were running out of the jungle with burned skin and clothes.

I waited in there for almost an hour before I came out again.

Why don't you wait at the side of the factory? It's almost lunch-time, and she'll probably come out.' So I did.

'Forrest,' said Mr Tribble, 'You're a wonderful chess player, but I never know what's going to happen next! Here's half of the money that you've won - it's almost five thousand dollars

It took almost a month to start things up - to get nets, and a boat, and everything

In Berner Street, almost opposite a school, were two big wooden gates which opened into Dutfield's Yard, a dark, narrow court between numbers 42 and 40

On the bed lay a body that was almost unrecognisable

She rented a small room, sent money regularly to the Thenardiers and, for a short time, was almost happy

Miserably, she picked up a large, empty bucket that was almost as big as she was, and was walking with it to the door when Madame Thenardier stopped her.

She was almost at the end of her strength, and she was still not out of the wood

Valjean's heart almost stopped beating and he began to sweat.

She was very thin, almost ugly, but Marius noticed that she had lovely blue eyes

For almost a year, Marius saw the old man and the young girl daily in the same place at the same time

Jondrette rushed to open it, bowing almost to the ground as he did so.

'So it's you again,' he said almost fiercely

Marius, however, who had been going to fire the gun as a signal for the police to arrive, shook so much that he almost fell off the cupboard.

His dark clothes were almost invisible in the shadows, and his face shone softly in the fading light

I wear a cheap hat, my jacket has lost half its buttons and there are holes in my boots.' He turned away from her and stood with his face pressed to the trunk of a tree, almost ready to faint

At one point he had to walk waist-deep through water, and almost sank as the ground turned to sand beneath his feet

'I don't understand,' Marius said, almost speechless with amazement.

I almost do not recognise the two men beside me, and I think that from a distance people cannot see that I am a woman.

The sun is almost down behind the green, snowy mountains now, and it is colder than before

And the sun is almost gone

For five minutes Oliver rows, and soon the jetty and the hotel look much smaller, while the attendant is almost impossible to see in the half-light of the new evening.

For almost a year now

Red, sandy plains stretch out in almost every direction, and only to the east are there thin, light-green trees that lead to the low, orange mountains.

It is almost dark when Gerry reaches the farm

The lamp in the corner of the room looks like the tall, silent figure of a murderer, and the coat on the back of your door has hands that almost touch you.

And you almost smile, and you relax a little more.

The sun is almost down now, the sky a deep orange and red

He is almost quick enough, but the knife still cuts him, and he screams and falls to the floor

And he almost laughs in disbelief.

Happy almost

Inside the carriage it is even hotter than on the platform, but it is almost empty too.

She almost laughs.

Then she feels a sharp pain in her arm, and she almost screams.

Sala had been so surprised she'd almost screamed

distant, almost.

Her back was often painful from when she'd been injured during the Oil Wars, so she almost never left the apartment these days.

Such adventures had been normal then, but they seemed almost magical now.

"Oh! No." Sala's thoughts had been so full of Cham and Pod Life that she'd almost forgotten about it

So at least if we were both doing the same thing, it would almost feel like we were together."

They had almost reached Sala's exit, so she gathered her things together and said goodbye to Niki

Inside, the lights were so bright they were almost blinding, and there was a constant soft noise of people working on computers

And then she heard a voice: "Your hour is almost over

They were almost home when Cham turned to her.

Cham's face appeared on her virtual interface almost at once

Here they were, almost at the doors of the pod center

Sala's heart almost stopped

The room was almost empty

She was over an hour late for meeting him at the simulator center, and because her ultranet connection didn't come back on until she was almost there, she couldn't even call him or send him a message

Sala ran up the steps so fast she almost tripped

The restaurant was almost empty

There, almost at our feet was the sea.

The wig and the tightly fitting dress made me almost beautiful.

It was almost light now and a bird had started to sing

The fog had almost gone now

It was dark now and I fell asleep almost at once

She almost would have preferred to discover someone lurking in the kitchen or crouching in a closet rather than be forced to look, at last, in that final space where sadness seemed to dwell like a tenant

The Pyramid, with almost three thousand rooms, was booked to capacity, as was every hotel in the city

Now that she had spent more than a year grieving for her broken marriage and for her lost son, now that Magyck! was almost behind her, she would have time to be a woman again

Her skin almost stuck to the knob

Her shoulder-length hair - deep brown, almost black, glossy - swept across her brow, feathered back at the sides, and framed her face as though it were a painting by a great master

For almost five minutes, the room seemed to have come alive.

Tina pressed through the milling onlookers who filled the wide center aisle, and she located Michael almost at once

He somewhat resembled Robert Redford, almost too pretty

She had an almost psychic sense that the perpetrator of this viciousness was in the building now, perhaps on the third floor with her

And the other adult who went along, Tom Lincoln - he was supposed to be almost as good as Bill

"Dental records are almost as good as fingerprints."

She hadn't been to bed with anyone at all for almost two years

As he and Elliot ambled along the sun-splashed street, Kennebeck mulled over the problem in silence for almost a minute

When she opened the door, he came in fast, almost in a crouch, glancing past her, left and right, toward the living room, then toward the dining area, speaking rapidly, urgently

She snatched her hand off the knob as if she had almost picked up a tarantula.

He had meaty arms; the circumference of one of them almost equaled the circumference of Elliot's thigh

Elliot almost laughed

But it's the kind of theory that almost any smart, ambitious reporter will go for in a big, big way - if we can come up with enough facts that appear to support it."

If the body were exhumed and reexamined by a top-notch pathologist, we'd almost certainly find proof that the cause of death wasn't what the authorities originally said it was."

"And Kennebeck's cronies have almost certainly put a watch on the place

A young couple was plotting conspiratorially, leaning toward each other from opposite sides of a booth, their heads almost touching

As the white-haired cashier grasped the plug in his arthritis-gnarled hands and wiggled it back and forth in the wall socket, trying to free it, Tina almost told him to stop

almost like a vision

"I'm just trying to be conscientious," Zachariah said, almost pouting

"We should almost be there," Tina said.

Elliot almost turned in at the entrance, but at the last moment, he decided to drive by the place.

The rear of Bellicosti's house was almost a hundred yards away

A neatly folded pair of twenty-dollar bills, placed without ostentation into the hand of a front-desk clerk, was almost certain to result in the timely discovery of a forgotten vacancy.

She felt almost as if she had him in her arms again, and she didn't want anyone to tell her that he might be a hair's breadth beyond her grasp.

His hair was razor-cut, and he groomed his mustache so meticulously that it almost appeared to have been painted on his upper lip.

Elliot almost fell into a trance himself

"We've gone almost five miles since we left the county road," Elliot said.

This broad shelf in the mountainside couldn't have been as large or as regularly shaped in its natural state as it was now: three hundred yards wide, two hundred yards deep, almost a perfect rectangle

For almost two months, they've been reinfecting his body over and over again, letting the virus wear him down, trying to discover how many times he can lick it before it finally licks him

Silvery, almost luminous, the frozen river was an easy trail to follow

'And why didn't you come to me immediately? Your enemies have had almost two days to make a plan

you have it with you! Give it to me!' she almost shouted, seizing my arm with both her hands.

'But why must you know?' she asked, almost angrily.

A traveller would be placed in a cabin at the station, the machine would be turned on, and the traveller would disappear and reappear almost immediately at the chosen receiving station.

Instead of his hand, a grey stick like the branch of a tree hung out of his sleeve, almost down to his knee.

She also had the most unusual eyes I have ever seen - for they were almost golden, too

Why, that brings it to the same second almost!'

But I suppose Colonel Protheroe wasn't there yet, because she came back almost immediately, and walked down to the studio.'

Well, I'm almost sure that isn't true

'So, almost anyone might have taken it.'

The verdict was given almost immediately: Murder by Person or Persons Unknown.

I was almost there when an idea suddenly came into my brain

We had no idea that we were being studied almost as carefully as a scientist studies the small creatures in a drop of water

It seems to me almost unbelievably wonderful that, with that danger threatening us, people could continue their ordinary business as they did

The Thing itself lay almost completely buried in the earth

Someone pushed against me, and I almost fell down on top of the screw

Overhead the stars were coming out, and in the west the sky was still a pale, bright, almost greenish blue

The thunder crashed almost all the time

I crawled out almost immediately and lay, my feet still in the water, under a bush

Then came the sound of a gun and, almost immediately, other guns across the river, unseen because of the trees, began to fire

In another moment a large wave of almost boiling water rushed towards me

But there was almost nothing to tell people until the government announced that the people of Walton and Weybridge, and all chat district, were pouring along the roads towards London.

After that no group of men would stand against them, because this would mean almost certain death.

He looked past it at the Martians again and saw the three of them now close together, and standing so far out to sea that their legs were almost completely under water.

I had seen the Martians themselves once before, but only for a short time, and then the sight had almost made me sick

He had almost sunk to the level of an animal

I almost screamed, but I bit my hand

We walked for two hours, and it was almost five when we returned to Baker Street.

On Thursday and Friday you're almost dead

Poor Harris, his face was almost black.

The scissors flew up and almost cut his eye

It's almost like flying

Sometimes, the suffragettes almost died from not eating, but still they continued to Fight

Little by little, women have got the vote in almost every country in the world.

She voted in an almost-empty building, which was for women only.

In the past, almost all women worked at home

When women started to do paid work in the 19th and early 20th centuries, almost half of it was cleaning and cooking in other people's homes

Although almost none of them carried a gun, they did "men's" jobs and got the same pay

But we must remember that it almost did not happen! In 1903, the French Academy of Sciences wrote a letter to the Nobel Committee

In 2016, the USA almost had its first woman president with Hillary Clinton

This was 100 years after some women first got the vote and almost a hundred years after Nancy Astor entered Parliament.

"I am almost 25 years old