How to use "angry" in a sentence


It stopped me feeling sad, angry, or afraid

I feel angry with the boulder, but it's not the boulder's fault - it's mine

Ned Land got very angry.

Mr Land got angry again.

"There's no reason to be angry, Mr Land

It is I who should be angry with you."

He's not famous and he's angry about that."

He's angry about something

The Captain became very angry

'She'll be angry with me because I'm late!'

She catches a mouse every day - Oh! You're angry again! We won't talk about Dinah any more-'

'The Duchess! The Duchess! She'll be angry! They'll cut off my head, I know! Oh, where is it? Where did it fall?'

Alice felt angry

'Don't get angry,' said the Caterpillar.

She felt very angry with the Caterpillar.

And she thought, 'Why does it get angry all the time?'

Be angry with your little boy,

'It looks kind, but perhaps it will get angry

They all get angry in this place,' thought Alice

She'll be very angry and cut off our heads

He said quietly, 'Don't be angry, my dear

'The Queen isn't angry with me now,' she thought

She felt afraid and angry and started to fight them

I got the ball, but I ran the wrong way with it, and everybody got angry and started shouting at me.

And Curtis was always angry, and I couldn't understand him

She wasn't angry about the cinema, and she asked me to have a drink with her!

He tried to clean it off and not look angry, but I didn't want to wait for them to start throwing things at me! No sir! I started running.

Jenny got really angry

I was angry with myself for disliking him

Large angry crowds gathered in Hanbury Street and at the local police stations

Life had been unjust to him, and he was angry

Now, at last, he was free, but he felt bitter and angry about his lost years

When he had been angry at the world, he had felt calm and sure of himself

The Thenardiers, however, were very angry - they had wanted money, not clothes

I was angry with you six weeks ago when you told me to release that woman

But before she could start her knitting, she heard Mme Thenardier's angry voice demanding, 'Where's the bread I told you to get?'

'A criminal?' Thenardier said, suddenly angry

Although he was too proud to admit he was wrong, and although he was angry, M

He began to shake and he fell back into an armchair, feeling angry and betrayed

I knew you were angry with me, and I thought, "What can I do to make him love me?" Then I thought, "I can give him Cosette." I wanted to invite her to see you, but the doctor warned me that you would probably get too excited

One evening, when Marius was talking to Cosette and Jean Valjean about the mystery and his unsuccessful attempts to solve it, he became angry with Cosette's guardian's lack of interest in his story.

'I don't understand,' she said, becoming angry

'Are you angry with me because I'm happy?'

Then he hears the man shout, and he looks up and sees his angry face running towards him through the crowd.

The scared cries now become angry shouts.

But only sometimes, because the defendant and the rest of her family, the Lee family, are wild, and he does not want to make her, or them, angry

For a second she is silent, but then she speaks again, though this time her voice is hard and angry

"I think the judge needs to listen to this first," he says, and he looks back at the beautiful Mrs Dawson and sees that she is not sad now, and that she is not victorious, and not angry.

No, you don't need that today," he repeats, and he takes the mp3 player from the boy's hands, and he tries to avoid the angry look in the boy's dark eyes.

"I didn't cheat!" Jimmy shouts, and he is angry now

I'm really sorry I got so angry," she said

"Sorry for getting angry

I'm not angry with you

I'm just angry with life."

"Mom, why can't they just use people instead of replacing them with robots and nanobots all the time?" Suddenly, Sala felt more angry than upset

'She'll be so angry.'

Had Beatrice said something to make him angry? I could not remember.

He looked angry.

'Don't be angry with me any more,' I said.

'I'm not angry with you,' he said.

I began to understand why some people hated the low, angry voice of the sea

His face was half amused, half angry.

One voice was Maxim's, very loud and angry

I could tell that he was very angry

I was suddenly very angry and not afraid of Mrs Danvers any more

'I was angry with you last night, wasn't I?' he said.

Maxim's voice was hard and angry.

Nathan is angry, but he says nothing

She was angry with herself

An angry refusal to accept the awful truth

Her fear made her angry with herself, and at last, she twisted the switch.

I was angry with you

"Now, wait a minute," he said, beginning to get angry

Moreau was no longer merely impatient; he was angry

Frustrated and angry at herself for her inability to solve the puzzle, she turned from the window

and damned angry

If they were discovered and confronted by a squad of angry security men, Elliot's one pistol might not be enough to discourage an assault

In each subsequent meeting, one or the other would show up to take story notes on their latest draft, while the missing partner would always have been waylaid by an emergency of one kind or another: a broken washing machine and a flooded laundry room, the sudden-onset illness of a cat with symptoms suggesting (to me) demonic possession, the death of a beloved aunt, the death of a beloved uncle, the death of a beloved neighbor (I began to worry that merely by associating with these women, decades would be shorn from my life span), migraine headaches, and an unfortunate encounter with an angry Big Foot in a long line at the DMV

The police said it was an accident, but Holmes was very angry about it.

I was quite angry, but my husband was so miserable that I said nothing.

'Darling,' said Griselda, 'Why were you so angry with Colonel Protheroe? Was it anything to do with Mr Hawes?'

'He got angry with Colonel Protheroe the other day,' said Miss Marple

She was looking at Griselda as she spoke, and I suddenly felt very angry

He was probably very angry about being sent to prison but would feel differently when he came out.

'Well, the master was very angry

'Only that it is probably a very ordinary murder, by an angry poacher most likely.'

He was suddenly angry

I felt foolish and angry

My attention was caught by an angry noise

The police who had been sent to direct the traffic, exhausted and angry, were fighting with the people they had been called out to protect.

They talk and grow angry, paler, uglier, and I wake, cold and shaking, in the darkness.

Why are you looking at me like that? Are you angry with me?"

It falls on your head and makes you angry

Everyone is wet and angry.

An angry woman brought me her dead cat and called me a murderer

Aunt Podger was very angry

Harris got lost! The people were angry with him

Everyone was tired and angry.

The idea of not seeing Hampton Church, with Mrs Thomas's tomb, makes me angry.'

He pulled it out and was angry with me

The young man was surprised and angry

This makes the water very angry

This made me angry

Then we all got angry

'What have I done? Why have you come home so angry?'

Your little sister's eyes are looking angry

'Don't be angry

This letter made me very angry

Laura's father (her brother) had been angry with her for marrying an Italian

As I read it I became so angry that I insulted him out loud in front of Anne - I said he was a miserable impostor

She is angry

They are tired and angry

Don Diego is very angry because Friar Felipe is his friend