How to use "anxious" in a sentence


Mr Diemschutz, anxious about the safety of his wife, went into the club to look for her

He told her not to worry, but she noticed an anxious look in his eyes

And for the first time in a week, Gerry relaxes and lets his anxious, pale face smile.

She waited there on the edge of her seat, anxious and impatient, as time passed

Now, anxious to complete her search for the burglar - who was beginning to look as imaginary as all the other burglars she had stalked on other nights - she opened the door to Danny's bedroom

She smiled when she thought of him, then picked up the sheaf of papers that Angela had given her, anxious to finish her work.

These were customers to whom the hotel was especially anxious to cater, and the more the Pyramid knew about them, the better it could serve them

Neither of us would have been anxious to view the body even if it had been in perfect shape, so we accepted the mortician's recommendations

Now that I've made up my mind to do it, I'm anxious to get it over with."

Even if the government had established a secret police force, however, why was it so anxious to cover up the true facts of Danny's death? What were they trying to hide about the Sierra tragedy? What really had happened up in those mountains?

If we go to them now with a wild story about a mysterious conspiracy, they aren't going to be anxious to listen."

So now, they're twice as anxious to see it

When I left to go home, I looked back and saw her watching me with an anxious expression.

'The police aren't sure.' I then told him that I was worried about my curate, Hawes, and that I was anxious that he should get away for a rest.