How to use "anymore" in a sentence


In fact, I don't know what is real and what isn't anymore

I don't want the arm to be a part of me anymore

That means I won't have to cut through bone anymore

She wasn't in the long room anymore, and there was no table or water

"Jesus!" he says, and he does not feel tired anymore

She ran until she was exhausted - too tired to think anymore.

"Sala, I don't think you should see her anymore

She didn't know what to think anymore

He's not the same person anymore," she finished, bursting into tears

She wasn't a dancer anymore; now she worked behind the curtain, in the production end of the show, but she still felt physically and psychologically best when she weighed no more than she had weighed when she'd been a performer.

"Suddenly I don't feel so awkward anymore."

She didn't dream anymore, and when she woke at ten o'clock, she was refreshed and newly excited by the previous night's success.

Well, that doesn't matter anymore."

Oddly enough, I don't really hate you anymore

And the ache isn't constant anymore

He probably isn't at my place anymore

Not anymore

"You feel good," Elliot said, "because we're not running anymore

I don't know what he is anymore

Even though he doesn't have the disease anymore, will he be all right?"

I don't want to talk about it anymore.'

'That Mr Redding is not a suspect anymore? Yes

They are married! My dear sister has gone! I am crying so much I cannot write anymore.

His manner, towards Laura has changed: he does not look at her with tender interest anymore.

'I can't work here anymore

Jacinda Ardern has said, "I hope that one day this will not be interesting anymore." She wants it to be normal for women to be in politics and to be mothers.