How to use "anyone" in a sentence


Before starting this trip, I forgot to leave a message telling anyone exactly where I was going

But I didn't tell anyone exactly where I was going, so it will take the police days to find me

I didn't tell anyone where I was going, I didn't go with Kristi and Megan to the west canyon, and I didn't get off the boulder when it moved.

If anyone finds this, please give it to them

Escape has been impossible and I will die before anyone finds me

At eight-thirty, he asked, 'Has anyone seen Aron?'

I have no idea how long anyone can survive on urine alone

If anyone stops you, kill them." Ned Land put a fishing knife in my hand and left the room, I looked around one more time

And should anyone in any case be content that his oath shall go un kept on a merely unsubstantial controversy as to HOW it shall be kept?

Valjean was so hungry that, at first, he paid no attention to anyone

Although she was careful to say nothing about her daughter to anyone, other women at the factory soon discovered her secret

"Down here! Look down here!" but he has no idea if anyone can hear him

I never hurt anyone; she did

And if you tell anyone, it is going to be just as easy to finish you

"But can you promise not to tell anyone?"

"Why? Because I need to know that you aren't going to hurt anyone to get it," the voice says seriously.

To escape and to not say anything to anyone

"What?" his brother said, his eyes full of anger: "You think I do? Idiot, we won't hurt anyone

Never point the gun at you or anyone else

Play the game, get the money and run before anyone knew he was there.

They did not want anyone going into the contaminated world beyond - it was much too dangerous, they said.

you didn't see anyone else today, did you?"

"But you have to promise not to tell anyone

If the woman was leading her into a trap, she now had no way of contacting anyone.

"You should know better than anyone that jobs in this city don't last

But he says that it could be from anyone."

"They know him better than anyone

She is always so curious about anyone important.'

I did not want anyone to talk about the sea or boats

'Couldn't anyone have helped her?' I asked.

And when I meet anyone new, I know what they are thinking: "How different she is from Rebecca." '

I didn't tell anyone,' he said.

I have never seen anyone more surprised.

What have you been doing with yourself? Have you done much sketching? Did you like the books I sent you? Have you had anyone to stay?'

'And I don't think anyone else has, either.'

'She won't tell anyone

Go quickly, before anyone comes.' I could not speak

Don't tell anyone what has happened.'

'Does anyone know? Anyone at all?' I said.

Rebecca never loved anyone except herself.'

Things that I could not tell anyone.'

After that, I knew I could never trust Rebecca with anyone.

I could not look at anyone

'I was fonder of Rebecca than of anyone else in the world,' Favell went on

She was not in love with anyone

No one looked at anyone else

Perhaps he had wandered away from the wrecked bus and had been found miles from the scene of the accident, without identification, unable to tell anyone who he was or where he came from

On four or five occasions during the past two weeks, she had taken the pistol from the nightstand and searched the place, room by room, but she hadn't found anyone

There was no sign that anyone had broken into the house, no obvious evidence of forced entry, and Michael was the only other person with a key

Besides, living in Sacramento, she wouldn't be a nickel duchess any longer; she wouldn't be anyone special; she would be just another elderly lady, living with her daughter's family, playing grandma, marking time, waiting to die.

Vivienne Neddler refused to give anyone reason to think her a fool.

Vivienne had no logical explanation for what had happened, but she knew one thing for sure: She wasn't going to tell anyone what she had seen here tonight

She wasn't actually asking the question of him; if she was asking anyone, she was asking God.

I can't think of anyone I know who'd be capable of this sort of thing even if they did hate me enough to contemplate it

And I don't know of anyone but Michael who places any of the blame for Danny's death on me."

Maybe I'd hire private detectives, and they wouldn't catch anyone but me."

She hadn't been to bed with anyone at all for almost two years

At night, the view of Las Vegas from the mountainside was undeniably spectacular, but Elliot couldn't understand what other reasons anyone could possibly have for choosing to live here rather than in the city's older, greener neighborhoods

"Has anyone been around here this afternoon?"

"I mean, anyone snooping around? Anyone at the door?"

The door rumbled down, concealing them from anyone who might drive past.

To him, evidently, anyone who drove a Mercedes had to be the right kind of people.

Hardly anyone raised an eyebrow

I don't think anyone is."

Do you have anyone in mind?"

Evans reacted as anyone would

The risks would have been acceptable, however, and there wouldn't have been any need to kill anyone.

Meanwhile, we're checking out Stryker's associates in his law firm, his friends, the woman's friends, anyone with whom they might have taken refuge."

He couldn't see anyone in any of them

If anyone did glance out a back window, he would spot the two of them instantly.

When he was across the wall, he looked back, but he couldn't see anyone.

But he couldn't tell anyone about his achievements

She felt almost as if she had him in her arms again, and she didn't want anyone to tell her that he might be a hair's breadth beyond her grasp.

"Could be anyone's."

Tall lampposts were arrayed across this featureless plain, casting dim, reddish light that was severely directed downward to attract as little attention as possible from aircraft that strayed out of the usual flight patterns and from anyone backpacking elsewhere in these remote mountains

Elliot didn't want to shoot anyone

She spun the wheel and located a pin that, when pushed, prevented anyone from turning the handle back to the unlocked position.

The things done to Danny Evans don't constitute 'great work.' They won't earn anyone immortality

If they all left, they'd just be turning the place over to men like Tamaguchi and Zachariah, and there wouldn't be anyone around to balance things

She agreed that it might not be wise to let anyone know what powers Danny had acquired

No, she wouldn't tell anyone what Danny could do

"I don't know anyone in Pondicherry!" he said, but when he opened the envelope, five little orange pips fell on to his plate

They wanted to stop equality for black people and to kill anyone who didn't agree with them

If anyone could see me turn on the light to answer it, I suppose I would look like any other sleepy man annoyed at being disturbed

He enjoyed life, had a good sense of humour, loved children and animals, and could not bear to see anyone suffer.

I had just finished cutting some meat, which was very tough, and said, waving the knife in a way that was not at all appropriate for a vicar, that anyone who murdered Colonel Protheroe would be doing the world a favour.

No, I don't think anyone can help me.'

'Oh! I didn't mean I was going to put a knife in his back, though I'd thank anyone who did

'Has anyone got a gun?'

And bring anyone you want with you.

'Did anyone else come?'

'Well, can you think of anyone else?'

But I can't think of anyone else.'

'So, almost anyone might have taken it.'

'Because only the day before the crime he said that anyone who murdered Colonel Protheroe would be doing the world a favour.'

'So if anyone said that they'd seen you out and about then...'

'Did you see anyone go by the path into the woods that afternoon?' I asked

'Whoever murdered Colonel Protheroe did not come this way! There's no sign that anyone climbed over this wall

'She doesn't want anyone else to know.'

'He asked me if I wanted to find my husband's murderer, and I said, "Yes." And then he asked me whether I suspected anyone, and I said, "No." And then he said, did I think the person who committed the crime knew the village, and I said they certainly seemed to

But before that, this lady looked around in a very strange way, to see if anyone had noticed her

'You couldn't hear anyone sneezing in my study from your gate,' I said.

'You once said that you would go mad if anyone else confessed to the crime.'

They were too far away for me to recognize anyone there, but I learned afterwards that Ogilvy, Stent and Henderson were with others in this attempt at communication

A kind of arm held a complicated metal case, out of which the Heat-Ray flashed as it killed anyone who was still moving

But none of them were written by anyone who had actually seen a Martian

That is why I didn't find anyone there.

'Have you ever met anyone who knew your wife in America?'

I'll send you money every month on two conditions: you must keep the secret and never tell anyone, in your own interest as well as mine; and you must never leave the village.'