How to use "approved" in a sentence


As long as she remained a dancer, as long as she devoted her life to him, as long as she hung on his arm and looked delicious, he approved of her

Tina finished checking the carpenter's bill and approved it for payment.

Because so much material in the hotel's files was extremely confidential information about high rollers, and because the Pyramid's list of favored customers would be of enormous value to competitors, only approved people could obtain this data, and a record was kept of everyone who accessed it

The other three scripts would be assigned to "network-approved writers."

I was so young and naive, I assumed "network-approved writers" meant that each of these writers would be among the finest in the TV business, on the planet, in the universe, the elite of the elite, the crS232; me de la crS232; me, superexcellent wordsmiths incapable of spinning any story that wasn't the top, the ower of Pisa, the Mona Lisa, the Louvre Museum, the Colosseum! Network-approved writers! I was in the lap of God, in the hands of ministering angels, and there could be no doubt whatsoever that we would have a hit with Help, My Feet Are Stuck to the Floor in Dean Koontz's Theater or whatever it would be called.

As it turned out, "network-approved writers" meant pals of the network executive

About a quarter of each meeting was tedious chum talk about the executive's and the approved writers' mutual acquaintances

After all those months and all those meetings and all those network-approved writers, we had too little material to launch a series, regardless of whether it was titled From the Tormented Mind of Dean Koontz or Sitting in the Dark with Dean and Roaches or just Deaniac

I would not be surprised to learn that one of the network-approved writers is in prison for crimes of a particularly perverse nature committed against small woodland animals - and I know that at least a couple of them are no longer in the business