How to use "around" in a sentence


Aspen is famous for its mountains and the countryside around it

Let's drive around and see if we can find him.'

If I can throw the rope around this, it might hold everything in the right position.

I tie the other end of the rope around the boulder

I kill five or six as they circle around my head

I tie the camera bag around my left arm

Then I tie webbing around my right arm and put rope around each of my legs

The party ended at around two o'clock the next morning, but there was still no sign of Aron.

Quickly, I put the tourniquet around my arm and tighten it

It came to me, as I was looking at all the rocks around me

But what if I tie a sock around my hand to protect it? I do this and it works

I step inside and look around

He holds my arms in his little hands and together we dance around the room

I tighten it around my neck and put my things inside

By the time I finish, we are circling around Moab

It can't turn around."

We could see nothing around us

There is electricity around that door

Then we arrived at a safe area, with large plants around it

Who was this woman? Was it his wife? My leg hit a table and Captain Nemo turned around.

If anyone stops you, kill them." Ned Land put a fishing knife in my hand and left the room, I looked around one more time

And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe - the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.

Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans - born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage - and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

He travels around in a hand-carriage

And I hope you see me in your imagination - when they put the rope around your neck and the crowd cries out for your death!'

So she walked around the wet, cold streets hoping to earn something

She was wearing a red handkerchief around her neck, a black jacket, men's boots, and an old white apron

He wore a grey cap with a peak, a red handkerchief around his neck, and had the appearance of a sailor

It was the same dark, silent square of 14 minutes before, when he had walked around it

He visited her around 7.30-7.45 on the evening of Thursday, November 8th to tell her he had no work and could not give her any money

When they went into the court, he waited around for about 45 minutes

He was secretive and often disappeared into dark little rented rooms around the poor quarters of London

Abbeline himself walked around the Whitechapel Streets until four or five in the morning

The man looked around, desperate for somewhere to spend the night

Soon, however, he began to relax, and looked around the room

Valjean stood for some time gazing emptily around him at the sunset and the shadows moving in on him

He looked around but could see nothing in the darkness - just a purple mist rising slowly from the fields.

They made her get up before dawn every day and do all the dirty jobs around the house, while Eponine and Azelma wore pretty clothes and played with dolls

As she was wandering around the town, desperately trying to decide what to do, she noticed a crowd of people in the market square

She approached them without thinking, and discovered that they had gathered around a travelling dentist

An excited whisper went around the courtroom as everybody recognized M

Valjean looked around the room, thinking for a second of making his escape

Madeleine's arrest spread quickly around the town

He tied one end of the wire around Cosette's waist, climbed the wall and, with great difficulty, pulled the girl up behind him

On the night after the Battle of Waterloo, in June 1815, a robber moved quietly around the battlefield, stealing money and jewellery from the bodies of dead soldiers

While walking around his part of the city, Marius had noticed in elderly man and a young girl in the Luxembourg Gardens

He walked around slowly, stopping to look at the ducks on the lake, then casually approached the bench where Mile Lanoire and her father were sitting

He gazed after her until she had disappeared from sight, then rose to his feet and walked around, laughing and talking to himself

Enjolras and his other friends tried to cheer him up by taking him to exciting places, but these expeditions always ended in the same way: Marius would leave the group and walk around the streets of Paris unhappily on his own.

Marius looked up from the letter and watched the girl moving fearlessly around his room, studying the furniture and the mirror on the wall

I see you on the stairs, and I see you walking around the streets, looking so sad and alone.'

He took a piece of brick from the wall, wrapped the piece of paper around it and threw it through the hole into the middle of Thenardier's room.

He spent the next two nights walking around the garden, checking the gate, listening for noises, but nothing unusual happened.

I'm going to throw away my youth, my career, my whole life, and dive into poverty with a woman around my neck..

Putting them in his jacket pocket, he went out and continued to wander aimlessly around the streets, noticing only occasionally the strange atmosphere of excitement that was growing in the town

People were running around, and there was a lot of noise, but Marius paid little attention

Enjolras threw his arms around Marius's neck.

While the soldiers waited at the far end of the street for further orders, and the rebels removed dead bodies from the barricade and took care of the wounded, Marius walked around the stronghold in a kind of dream

Some men, including Marius, stayed on the main barricade, while the others built a low stone wall around the door of the wine shop

Valjean untied the rope around Javert's feet and, taking him by the belt of his coat, led him outside

He had been looking after wounded men while bullets flew all around him

Valjean lowered Marius to the ground, stood with his back to the wall and looked around him.

Valjean looked desperately around him, at the house opposite, the barricade, the ground

In the distance, a group of men formed a circle around the torchlight

This is the first thing that I think when I wake, and I look around nervously, confused by the dark and by the thick fog which surrounds me.

Hastings looks around

Emily?" But there is no answer, and Oliver Stern puts his mobile back into his coat pocket and looks around.

Perhaps, quickly wrap the straps around her hands

His shift finishes in five minutes, but there is no one around in Howarth's quiet police station, and so he leads the woman to the first interview room and tries to suppress the image of a pint of beer in the Black Bull pub.

"Yeah, where are you staying? There are no hotels around here."

all around the world."

He has a camera around his neck

He looks around and steps into the doorway of a shop for a moment

For a moment there are people all around him, and he thinks he will never get there, but then he pushes past some kids who shout at him, and he is there

Then someone in the crowd says something, and the man looks around

She is a quiet young thing, and beautiful too, and Carolina likes to have beautiful things around her, so she is more than happy to talk for both of them.

Eleanor smiles shyly and moves the elegant white silk scarf that lies around her neck above her black dress

She adjusts the white scarf around her neck.

And as Eleanor and Edward move away to the dance floor, Peter and Michael see her adjust the scarf around her neck one last time

Several people saw the defendant walking around Bristol looking for Mr Dawson

Nick walks to the bins and looks around them; on the other side is the sister of the defendant

So he crosses the road slowly and casually, walks up the stone steps of the church and looks around once more before he pushes open the wooden doors and goes inside.

"Hello?" says a voice, and Barry wakes up and looks around in confusion and fear

But not yet: the Mojave Desert is still all around him with its flat orange sands and dead bushes

He walks around to the trunk, the cop behind him, and he pushes the button

But the sun is gone now, and darkness is all around him

Think about that." Greg drank some more of his beer and looked around the bar

The police car stops in the driveway of the school, and the two detectives get out and look around

Well, I suppose we could have a look around the school..."

But then he felt school ties being wrapped around his hands and feet and mouth

Junior looks around the forest

It is night time, and around the roof of the thirty-floor casino and hotel, the city of Las Vegas is alive with colour

So she stands, and she looks around at her fellow commuters and other passengers

She looks around the carriage: there are only eight other people there: a young couple holding hands and talking quietly on the seat opposite her; two businessmen a few seats to her right; an old lady two seats to her left; a mother and son at the far end of the carriage

Inside, Niki went to meet some other friends while Sala looked around the busy entrance area for Cham

She'd turned around quickly and seen a boy: about her age but a little taller, with black hair and dark, smiling eyes..

In a simulator, it was hard to forget that there were four walls just five or six steps away - but in a pod, you lost your awareness of the world around you

She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his neck

As they traveled, towering blocks of apartments rose up high all around them

Sala put her arms around him and kissed him.

"Gran! Are you OK?" Sala put an arm around her, and made her sit down on the little bench that looked over the city.

Sala knew that Apat loved it when Cham came with them to the center, because Cham always joked around with him

"No one else is around."

Sala looked around, and gasped

It disappeared under the surface for a moment, so Sala looked around.

As they passed the enormous hologram wall by the entrance, Cham put his arm around Sala

The questions went around and around in her head

Turn around and walk away

Here, we are free, and we have beauty all around us, but my heart breaks when I think of you trapped in that city, like a bird in a cage.

tomorrow to look around

"You'll never guess." Sala looked around

"I'll be showing you around

She left the walkway at the same exit, and looked around

Sala looked around the room

"Sala! What happened to you?" He wrapped his arms around her

This world, the city with its wrist chips and simulators, was the only one they knew, but Gran often talked about life before the Oil Wars - how they used to walk freely in the forests, grow flowers and fruit, sing songs around fires on the beach, and travel to wonderful places

Sala watched as everyone gathered around Cham for their final goodbyes

Then she stepped forward, and wrapped her arms around him.

After looking around to check that no one was watching her, she slipped quietly down the passageway, and found the same door as before

Sala walked in circles around the tiny Real Space, trying to think of a way forward.

Then they sat around the kitchen table, looking expectantly at Sala

Other people were already there, sitting around circular tables.

Sala looked around at all these people

Dani rushed over and threw her arms around him

Normally she loved it when Cham was fooling around with his sisters, but now she thought she'd explode.

"What's wrong?" he demanded at once, looking around at their troubled faces.

Gran held her hand and Mom put an arm around her shoulders

It was wonderful to feel his arms around her again

There was a low mechanical noise as the walls of the pod began to shut softly around her.

'I hate waiting around when everything is packed,' Mrs Van Hopper said bad temperedly

People came from miles around

'This is like old times,' said Beatrice, looking around

There was fog below and all around me

'There's an idiot who was always around the cottage,' Favell said

I put my arms around him and held him

She held her breath as his face came slowly around

Time should have put even more distance between her and the anguish, but instead the passing days were bringing her around full circle in her grief

The new show was titled Magyck! Because the variety acts between the big dance numbers were all magicians and because the production numbers themselves featured, elaborate special effects and were built around supernatural themes

She would never forget him, that sweet child who had been such a large part of her, but she would no longer have to live her life around the gaping hole that he had left in it

She put her gun down, went around the foot of the bed, and stood the easel on its legs, as it belonged

He had seen Tina's work in some lounges around town, and he had surprised her when he'd offered her the chance to co-produce Magyck! At first, she hadn't been sure if she should take the job

That was the term by which casino employees still referred to local, elderly women whose social lives revolved around an obsessive interest in one-armed bandits, even though the nickel machines were pretty much ancient history

With that attitude plus a few money-management skills, they were able to hang on longer than most slot players who plunged at the dollar machines after getting nowhere with quarters, and because of their patience and perseverance, the duchesses won more jackpots than did the tide of tourists that ebbed and flowed around them

It was a portrait of Danny Evans, as were the other five that usually hung around it

An ominous pressure seemed to compress the air around her.

After a moment the other two models ceased their erratic dancing and began to spin around and around, like the first plane, as if they were actually flying, and there was no mistaking this deliberate movement for the random effects of a draft.

The model planes went around, around.

She threw her arms around him and, much to her surprise began to cry with happiness

Hotel management personnel, showgirls, dancers, magicians, crewmen, and musicians crowded around the tables, sampling the offerings while Phillippe Chevalier, the hotel's executive chef, personally watched over the affair

They exclaimed over the food and clustered around the portable bar

I won't have to hang around the stage

From bitterness, pain, tragedy, and unrelenting sorrow, she had turned around to face a horizon lit by rising promise

The skirts of the night were gathered around the Evans house, rustling in a dry desert wind.

She edged around the pit, determined to make the hateful bastard stop what he was doing, but he took a step away from her for every step that she took toward him, and he always stayed directly across the hole from her

Balls clattered around spinning roulette wheels

Shaking his head, obviously amused, Michael moved around the clearing and into the crowd again.

I'll get a cone, and then we can go outside, walk around the parking lot

Heart attacks are more frequent around the slot machines than anywhere else in the casino, and a lot of the victims are people who've just lined up three bars and won a bundle.

It's hard for you to get around to it

I should've shut up and let you get around to it first

She spun around in her chair, but no one had come into the room.

She hurried around the desk, banging her hip against one corner, heading for the wall socket as the printer hummed with the production of more hateful words.

She started around Angela's desk, wanting nothing more at the moment than to get off her rubbery legs and onto a chair - and suddenly the door to the hall opened, and she cried out in alarm.

"Were you playing around with one of the other computers?"

From there they were going to hike for three days with snowshoes and backpacks, making a wide circle around the bus, coming back to it at the end of the week.

Then the earth starts closing in around him, and I wake up screaming, soaked with sweat

There won't be many judges around over the holiday

On windy days, the dust was as thick as fog, and it pushed its dirty little cat feet under doors, around windows, and through attic vents.

Then they would carry him out to the garage, prop him up in his little Mercedes, put the seat belt snugly around him, and start the engine without opening the garage door

He swung one arm around, slamming his bent elbow into Vince's throat

"Has anyone been around here this afternoon?"

"I mean, anyone snooping around? Anyone at the door?"

Elliot put a hand on her shoulder, stopped her, and turned her around just as they entered the bedroom

Twisting around in terror, she called Elliot's name

Now she turned all the way around and stared through the rear window of the sports car

He wheeled around another corner, and then another, trying to disappear from the men in the van long enough to leave them with so many choices of streets to follow that they would have to give up the chase in confusion

Too late, he saw the sign at the fourth intersection - NOT A THROUGH STREET - but they were already around the corner and headed down the narrow dead end, with nothing but a row of ten modest stucco houses on each side.

And there wasn't a shirt made that could be buttoned easily around his thick, muscular neck

A long time had passed since his years in military intelligence, since the nights of fear in the Persian Gulf and in countless cities scattered around the Mideast and Asia

Several blocks to the north, an ugly column of smoke rose into the twilight sky from what was left of Tina's house, roiling, night-black, the upper reaches tinted around the edges by the last pinkish rays of the setting sun.

Each time he glanced at her, she was either crouched forward, squinting at every new street they entered, or twisted halfway around in her seat, looking out the rear window

Elliot swung the car around and started back toward the lights of the city, which spread like a vast, glowing fungus on the black desert plain.

When he turned from the motor home, his gaze fell on a dense pool of shadows around the trash bin at the back of the restaurant, and again he had the feeling that someone was watching him from concealment.

Arms on the table, both hands clasped around her glass of beer, Tina leaned toward Elliot

We could go around the world on the cards alone

They put their heads down and scurried past the front of the diner, around the side, through the purple light under the single mercury-vapor lamp, and into the deep shadows behind the building.

Apparently, the pooch slipped out of the gate when the gardeners came around

After all, the last couple of years we were married, Michael was running around with a lot of other women, spending most of his time away from home, and Danny felt even more abandoned than I did

He was carrying two books of the discount coupons that casinos use to pull slot-machine players into the house, and he wore a camera on a strap around his neck

That's why I'm still hanging around

In the cold air, white clouds of exhaust vapor swirled around his legs.

Four airtight rubber seals - one around the both faces of each pane

I don't have much to say about research policy around here."

I'll go through the cemetery, circle around, and approach the place from the rear."

They slipped around the corner of the building and moved stealthily toward the front.

"I'll fade back into the shrubbery and wait for them to come around the corner after us

He felt along the inner faces of the fenders, around the tire wells, where a transponder could have been stuck in place quickly and easily

"Instead of sneaking around to some out-of-the-way motel, we'll march right into one of the best hotels in town."

"Except we're locked in, and the killers are running around loose on the outside."

He finally nodded off around 7:00 A.M.

If I see many more inanimate objects dancing around, I'm going to start believing in everything, no matter how freaky."

He turned it around, so the face of it was on the wrong side - the palm side - of his finger

The hypnotist lowered his hand and turned his ring around as it belonged

We might get to this place and find we can't slip around its defenses."

The roses in the crystal vase twirled around like a group of spinning, redheaded ballerinas.

So I worked up this act built around hypnotism

Perhaps they would have been smarter to turn around, go back to Reno, find another hotel room, and get a fresh start in the morning

It was little more than one lane wide, and the trees formed a tunnel around it, so that after fifty or sixty feet, it disappeared into premature night

The new track ran a hundred yards before rising and turning sharply to the right, around the blunt face of a ridge

He twisted around, leaned over the back of the seat, and quickly fetched the rope from the pile of outdoor gear in the cargo hold

The bullet tore through the guy's left shoulder and spun him around

"We can't just go around jerking open doors."

The elevator doors closed behind them, and around them, the air grew warmer again.

She looked around, waiting for some sign from her child, and she and Elliot twitched in surprise when the overhead fluorescent tube winked off, then came on again

As Tina and Elliot reached that barrier, the wheel-like handle in the center spun around

And a lot of people around him, a lot of people protecting him, people in research and people in charge of project security - they're also megalomaniacs

I'm going to cut up this next valley and then swing back around toward the installation and try to avoid some of these crosscurrents

When their hands touched, his small fingers curled tightly around hers

When she pulled him into her lap, he trailed wires that led from electrodes on his skin to the monitoring machines around the bed, like an abandoned marionette

It was around then that a Chinese scientist named Li Chen defected to the United States, carrying a diskette record of China's most important and dangerous new biological weapon in a decade

If they all left, they'd just be turning the place over to men like Tamaguchi and Zachariah, and there wouldn't be anyone around to balance things

As they drove off the plateau, around the burning wreckage of the helicopter, Danny said, "They were bad people

He did not answer, but I heard him moving around

This is because the conversation around the table contained details, which affected later developments.

But before that, this lady looked around in a very strange way, to see if anyone had noticed her

With great confidence, people travelled around this world and believed that they were in control of their lives

The planet Mars, I need not remind the reader, goes around the sun at an average distance of 224,000,000 kilometres, and receives from the sun half of the light and heat that is received by this world

The time then was around six o'clock

There was now a large crowd of people standing around

The crowd around the pit had increased to a couple of hundred people, perhaps

There were raised voices, and some sort of struggle appeared to be going on around the pit

I saw shock changing to horror on the faces of the people around me, and there was a general movement backwards

The crowd around the pit seemed to grow as new people arrived

But it passed and let me live, and left the night around me suddenly dark and unfamiliar

There was nobody else around

The fear I felt was panic - terror not only of the Martians but of the dark and stillness all around me

At about eleven, a company of soldiers came through Horsell and spread out in a great circle around the common

I rushed out onto the grass and saw the tops of the trees around the Oriental College burst into smoky red flame, and the tower of the little church beside it slide down into ruins

Overhead the clouds were passing fast, mixed here and there with clouds of black and red smoke, although no wind moved the bushes around me

At that moment a bright green light lit up the road around me and showed the distant woods to the north

The towers of the Oriental College and the trees around it had gone

The view opened out until, on one side, it reached to the houses around Woking Station, and on the other, to the burnt woods of Byfleet

I turned my desk chair to the window and stared out at the country and, in particular, at the three enormous black Things that were moving around the common

I had already decided that the area around London would be the scene of a great battle before the Martians could be destroyed.

I turned around again and ran towards the approaching Martian, ran right down the stony beach and dived into the water

The river was rough around me and quickly growing hotter.

Even the afternoon papers had nothing to tell apart from the movement of soldiers around the common, and the burning of the woods between Woking and Weybridge

At about seven o'clock last night the Martians came out of the cylinder and, moving around in metal machines, completely destroyed Woking station and the houses around it, and killed around 600 soldiers

'There's fighting going on around Weybridge,' was all the information they had.

Many field-guns, the report said, had been hidden around the country near Horsell Common, and especially between the Woking district and London

They had gone back to their cylinders again, in the circle around Woking

All around him - in the rooms below, in the houses on each side and across the road, and all across London - people were rubbing their eyes and opening windows to stare out and ask questions, and getting dressed quickly as the first breath of the coming storm of fear blew through the streets

Yellow lights moved around in the houses

The shells blew up, the trees all around the guns caught fire and only one or two of the men escaped.

A dozen signal lights went on as soon as they began to move, warning the waiting guns around Esher

The curate and I climbed higher up the hill and looked around

By three the crowds were so large around the stations that people were being pushed over and walked on

There were already around forty passengers on the boat, some of whom had spent their last money getting a ticket, but the captain stayed until five in the afternoon, picking up passengers until the boat was dangerously crowded

There was shouting all around him

It was obvious that the Martians were all around us

When I woke up and looked around I was alone

The earth all around had been thrown up over the neighbouring houses

It may be that on Mars they moved around on them quite easily.

The Martians at the bottom of the pit could no longer be seen, because the earth around it was now so high

I put my hand out and my fingers closed around a bottle of wine.

I stared around, hardly believing my eyes

Near the top of Putney Hill I came across more human bones, eaten clean and left lying around

The Martians, it seemed, had killed and eaten everyone around there, except for a few lucky ones like myself

'I was buried near the pit the Martians made around their cylinder

'There is no food around here,' he said

But it will make things easier around here

And instead of rushing around blindly, we've got to change to suit the new situation

After a week or two running around the fields on empty stomachs they'll come and be caught quite happily.' He paused

I think it's time we looked around from the top of the house.'

'Why were you walking around on the common,' I asked, 'instead of being here?'

'Ulla, ulla, ulla,' cried the voice, coming, it seemed to me, from the district around Regent's Park

London around me looked like a city of ghosts

I marched on without fear towards this great machine, and then, as I came nearer and the light grew, I saw that a number of black birds were circling and gathering around the top of it

Great piles of earth had formed around a pit at the top of the hill - the final and largest one the Martians had made - and from behind these piles thin smoke rose against the sky

And all around it, some in their overturned war-machines and some in building-machines, and ten of them lying in a row, were the Martians - dead! They had been killed by germs against which their systems could not fight; killed, after all man's machines had failed, by the smallest things that God has put on this Earth.

I stood staring into the pit, and my heart grew wonderfully happy as the rising sun lit up the world around me

All around the pit, and saved from everlasting destruction, lay the great city

Wimbledon particularly had suffered, and beyond there I saw piles of earth around the sixth cylinder

I sit in my study writing by lamplight, and suddenly I see the valley below on fire again, and feel that the house around me is empty and lonely

I saw the houses stretching away and disappearing into the smoke and mist, people walking up and down between the flower-beds, and the sightseers around the Martian machine that still stands there

He walked all around the room saying, "Isn't Mr Holmes going to return?" Finally he left.'

'Well,' explained Holmes, 'I think this pipe costs around seven-and-sixpence

She turned around to us, and I gave a cry of surprise and horror

The grass around us is green, and little flowers grow here and there.

We all sit around a warm fire and eat our meal.

I know a place around the corner here, where you can get some good whisky

He then takes them around town to fight other dogs

The countryside for miles around smelled of paraffin

Harris said to his friend, 'We'll go in and walk around for ten minutes

The third one runs around and laughs all the time.

Then he danced around the stove

He, too, began dancing around and barking

'Thank you very much,' said George, looking around

George turned around and looked

He took George's arm and turned him around.

George and I both turned around to get a spoon

George and I looked all around

We got out of the boat at Sonning and walked around the village

Look at the sudden lines around her mouth

Running around with an old and evil politician would horrify them.

Connie breaks into fresh tears, and James puts his arm around her

I turned around quickly in fear and surprise

After a few minutes, Laura ran into the room and threw her arms around my neck

Pesca got up and walked around the room nervously

The education of girls is still a very important topic around the world.

Malala became famous, both in Pakistan and around the world, as a fighter for girls' education

People in Pakistan and around the world hoped that she could get better

In the next few years, Malala met with girls around the world, and she met with many politicians, like the President of the USA, Barack Obama

The education of girls is still an important problem for countries around the world

Now, she travels around the world speaking about human rights.

The fourth wave started around 2012, and it is about sexual harassment and crimes against women at work

She wanted to be the first woman to fly around the world.

On 1st June, Amelia and Fred Noonan left Miami and began their 29,000-mile journey around the world

All around the village there are big homes with patios.

They turn around and see a man

Suddenly she hears a noise and turns around

Captain Ramon turns around and sees Zorro

There are soldiers all around us."