How to use "ask" in a sentence


I ask them to come with me.

She called Brion later that afternoon to ask if Aron had arrived.

'I'll radio one of my men and ask them to check.'

'How will I ever get out of here?' I ask myself.

I ask one of the men to get my climbing bag

'Where are we going?' I ask the second man.

As the nurses take off my shoes, I ask Steve to let my mother know that I'm OK and to arrange for someone to collect all the things I left at Horseshoe Canyon.

When I finish, I can see that Steve wants to ask me a lot of questions.

"May I ask why?"

"May I ask what happened?"

She didn't stop and ask, 'How am I going to get out again?'

'Perhaps I'm going to come out in Australia! I'll have to ask the name of the country

Alice wanted to ask him for help

'Don't ask me! I don't know,' answered Alice, not very politely.

Alice wanted to ask more questions but they heard a cry: "The trial is beginning!"

'We have to call people into the room, and ask them questions.'

'I see other people playing, but I don't play and they never ask me to play with them.'

I also wrote a letter to Jenny Curran and asked Mom to ask her parents to send it on to her

'But ask your daddy

It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces; but let us judge not that we be not judged

I ask further, is it unconstitutional for me to say to the British Government "I refuse to serve you"? Is it unconstitutional for our worthy Chairman to return with every respect all the titles that he has ever held from the Government? Is it unconstitutional for any parent to withdraw his children from a Government or aided school? Is it unconstitutional for a lawyer to say "I shall no longer support the arm of the law so long as that arm of law is used not to raise me but to debase me"? Is it unconstitutional for a civil servant or for a judge to say, "I refuse to serve a Government which does not wish to respect the wishes of the whole people"?

I ask, is it unconstitutional for a policeman or for a soldier to tender his resignation when he knows that he is called to serve a Government which traduces his own countrymen? Is it unconstitutional for me to go to the agriculturist and say to him "it's not wise for you to pay any taxes, if these taxes are used by the Government not to raise you but to weaken you?" I hold and I venture to submit, that there is nothing unconstitutional in it

I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis - broad Executive power to wage a war against the emergency, as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe.

In this dedication - In this dedication of a Nation, we humbly ask the blessing of God.

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you

I decided to ask Mr Slinkton some questions

'Mr Sampson, may I ask you something?' he suddenly enquired

He noticed that Mary owed him 29 shillings in rent, so he sent his assistant Thomas Bowyer to her room to ask for the money

May I ask your name, sir? Are you an innkeeper?'

Why do you ask?'

That's all I ask

I'll ask no more questions, but you must promise to be here early the day after tomorrow

'Monsieur, I ask you to have pity on me

I know I'm not welcome here, but I have come to ask for only one thing

'I have come to ask your permission to get married.'

I shall ask no more favours of you, Monsieur

'You're the leader, aren't you? Can I ask you for a favour?'

Every day, according to one of the servants, a white-haired, well-dressed gentleman came to ask for news of the sick man.

'I have the honour, on behalf of my grandson, Marius Pontmercy, to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage.'

When Valjean did not appear for the second evening, Cosette sent a servant to his house to ask if he was well

Why am I here? I ask myself, but I have no answer

I need to ask you..."

"Father, I need to ask for something from you

I need to ask for sanctuary."

"I need to ask you to get out of the car."

Is that what he wants? "The trunk? Can I ask why?"

I just know that if we ask them for a small amount, then they can pay

If you ask for more, you have to wait, and then there is the risk that they contact the police

She didn't know how Cham could afford it, but he was always so kind and generous - it would be rude to ask

well, I suppose I'm silly to ask

"I'd ask you to think about the things you love

"The only thing I can ask is this: if I do Pod Life without you, will you still be here for me when I come out? Can you wait two years?"

But ask him to keep quiet about it."

How could she ask Cham to keep a secret from his parents?

I was going to ask you to come

It won't take long, and you're free to ask any questions

At last, when Dani and Tian had nothing more to ask, Leti smiled and spoke quietly to another technician, who was standing nearby

"Did you ask her?"

He didn't ask her many questions; and although his avatar was looking at her, his eyes were glassy and unseeing.

Go and ask the waiter for another cup,' Mrs Van Hopper told me.

I was going to ask you anyway

When I ask you to do some shopping, you always forget something

'Why do you ask me to come out in your car, day after day?' I said

I ask you to drive with me because I like you

I waited for her to ask more questions

Go down to the reception desk and ask

I would certainly be too afraid to ask.

I was not sure what Beatrice had said and I thought it better not to ask.

There were so many questions I wanted to ask Maxim

'Yes, I must ask Maxim about it.'

Do ask your husband to have another ball.'

But I did not want to ask Maxim.

'Will you ask Maxim about the Ball?' I asked

But I had to ask Frank one more question.

People look at me and ask me so many questions.'

'If you want to come again, ask me

I hoped that Maxim would ask for me but he did not.

There is something I must ask you

You had better ask Frank Crawley

'Don't ask her,' said Maxim

How could I ask you to love me when I knew you loved Rebecca?'

'Mr de Winter, I'm afraid I must ask you one other question

'I would like to ask you a question

'I suppose you're not going to ask me to dinner, so I'll say goodbye

"You don't need an excuse to ask me what you've come here to ask

"Just don't ask for a mixed drink," he said

Over breakfast, he asked her to go with him to the afternoon party at which he was going to corner Judge Kennebeck to ask about the exhumation

Elliot didn't want to ask Kennebeck for a favor within hearing of a dozen lawyers, and today there was nowhere in the house where they could be assured of privacy

"I was hoping you wouldn't ask."

We've just got to ask you some questions."

"What sort of questions do you want to ask me?"

"I'm supposed to ask you every question on this list," Vince said, shaking the folded paper at Elliot

Why did Christina Evans ask you, rather than another attorney, to handle the exhumation of her son's body?

I'm sure he wants to ask you a lot of questions."

They're going to ask him to describe the condition of the boy in minute detail."

'I've come to ask for help,' he said

'No, call the police first, or they'll ask you awkward questions

Why do you ask?' I said cautiously.

But don't ask me why, because I cannot tell you.'

'Francois, I want to ask you something,' she said

'All I ask is that you read this alone,' she said

Please do exactly what I ask

Until then I will ask the questions.' He took out his notebook.

'Sir, I'll ask you any questions I want to know

We thought that Inspector Slack would come and ask me what it was I had wanted to tell him, so we were surprised when Mary told us that he had gone

Then we would like to ask you a few questions.'

'We want to ask you a few questions, here where it happened,' Colonel Melchett said

'Why do you ask me that?'

I am in a very strange position, Mr Clement, and I want to ask your advice about what I should do next

'I'm afraid I must ask you tell me about it, private or not.'

'Well, I did come to ask you if you would take the service tonight instead of me.'

'Excuse me, but did Mrs Protheroe ask you to go there?'

'Dr Haydock said it was picric acid.' I then asked her the question that I had wanted to ask her for some time

But here is Dr Haydock, so we can ask him.'

I began to ask myself what they could be

All around him - in the rooms below, in the houses on each side and across the road, and all across London - people were rubbing their eyes and opening windows to stare out and ask questions, and getting dressed quickly as the first breath of the coming storm of fear blew through the streets

'"Jack," she said, "when you took my money you said that if I ever wanted some, I should just ask you."

'"Oh," she said playfully, "you said that you were only my banker, and bankers never ask questions, you know."

'When did your wife ask you for the money?' asked Holmes.

Harris said, 'Let's ask George to try the maze, on our return trip.'

We went to the lock-keeper to ask for some

She knows it will take some time before she'll be brave enough to ask for things like that from him

'Sister, don't ask

It's just that I didn't think it was a question I was not allowed to ask.'

'Did she ask you where you got them from?'

I thought I'd come and ask you if it's all right.'

'Why do you ask?'

I looked at her in surprise and was about to ask her more, but just then I saw a carriage

Will you please ask Sir Percival Glyde if he knows Anne Catherick?'

'But yes! I'll ask our lawyer, Mr Gilmore, to ask Sir Percival about it.'

'Please, Miss Halcombe,' said Sir Percival, 'write to Mrs Catherick and ask her to confirm my explanation.'

He won't ask Lady Glyde to sign anything today.'

The next day, when the Count returned from the lake, I heard Sir Percival ask him, 'Did you find her?' The Count did not reply but he smiled

Another time I wrote to Sir P to ask if I could go away for a few weeks

When I've given you the confession and the proof you ask for, the Countess and I will leave this house without any interference from you.'

In 2018, more people in politics and theatre joined the group to ask for a statue of Mary Wollstonecraft.