How to use "assistant" in a sentence


I invited my faithful assistant and good friend Conseil to go with me

"Sir, are you all right, sir?" Thank God, it was my faithful assistant Conseil.

Edward Johnston, a doctor s assistant, arrived at 1.13

He noticed that Mary owed him 29 shillings in rent, so he sent his assistant Thomas Bowyer to her room to ask for the money

"I don't want you to say anything stupid, Jimmy, because this is your last chance." He looks across the pool to his assistant

The scoutmaster had parked the expedition's minibus on a lay-by about a mile and a half into the woods, and he and his assistant and the kids had walked in another half-mile before they encountered Larry Bollinger

I saw a young man - I believe he was a shop assistant in Woking - standing on the cylinder and trying to climb out of the pit again

It was the head of the shop assistant who had fallen in, looking black against the hot western sky