How to use "attack" in a sentence


They all wanted to attack the ship

The Nautilus shook from the explosions of the cannonballs in the water, but it went forward, ready to attack the enemy ship.

These, my friends, are the lines of attack

With this pledge taken, I assume unhesitatingly the leadership of this great army of our people dedicated to a disciplined attack upon our common problems.

'I didn't come here to argue,' Javert said, stepping back nervously, afraid that Valjean was going to attack him

Neither could he understand the concept of freedom of speech, and he often sent soldiers into the streets to attack people who were making public protests.

There were only twenty-six men left, and the main attack on the barricade was going to take place very soon

Michael said, "Heart attack, Pete?"

"There's what we call 'jackpot attack,'" Michael said

"I'm no doctor," Bruckster said, "but it sure looks like a heart attack to me, the way he dropped like a stone, same way my uncle Ned went down last Fourth of July right in the middle of the fireworks display."

"How could it be a heart attack, him being so young?" Bruckster wondered

The hotel doctor would call it a heart attack after he had examined the body

He planned a suicide for Stryker, an accidental death for the woman, and a heart attack for the woman's husband

Although he was struggling to cast off the seizure of claustrophobia that had gripped him, was trying to pretend that the organic-looking ceiling wasn't pressing low over his head and that only open sky hung above him instead of thousands of tons of concrete and steel rock, his own panic attack concerned him less than what was happening beyond the viewport.

Dombey's concern for the kid was greater than his fear of being trapped underground and buried alive, and finally his attack of claustrophobia diminished

Instead, I decided to try a sudden attack.

The attack came six years ago

While the curate had sat and talked so wildly to me in the flat fields near Walton, and while my brother was watching the refugees pour across Westminster Bridge, the Martians had started to attack again

These waited in a long line, ready for action, right across the mouth of the Thames, watching the Martian attack but powerless to prevent it.

A question of more serious interest is the possibility of another attack from the Martians

However, whether we expect another attack or not, our views of the human future must now be changed by these events

Perhaps this attack from Mars will be helpful to us in the end