How to use "awful" in a sentence


No more listening to that awful laugh, no more looking at her boring face

For one awful moment, she thought Gran might even fall over.

What if he wouldn't forgive her? She had really shouted at him, and now she felt awful

It was awful

Gran was so excited; it would be awful if this was all a cruel joke

Sala began to realize why this news was so awful

She felt awful

"I know what he's doing is awful, but I still love him, Mom."

He's an awful man

'She had a cousin, an awful man, called Jack Favell

There was a picture of Manderley and an awful one of Maxim

An angry refusal to accept the awful truth

The sliding closet doors began to move on their runners, and Vivienne Neddler had the feeling that some awful thing was going to come out of the dark space, its eyes as red as blood and its razor-sharp teeth gnashing

He had an awful suspicion that fate was setting him up for another hard fall

Elliot had the awful feeling that this guy would reach for the button Tina had pushed less than a minute ago, and that the garage door would lift just as the black van was rolling slowly by in the street.

She was no longer afraid of facing the awful truth that might be waiting in Reno

In the isolation chamber, when Dombey finished speaking, Tina said, "Danny looks so awful

So it is better to leave things to Mary, who gives us awful things to eat

That's awful, but I do...'

'They do make an awful noise,' said Griselda

'It will be so awful for Anne Protheroe.'

'Isn't the news awful? A murder! In this quiet village.'

And I thought that if Anne had done this awful thing, I was responsible, so I went and confessed.'

'It was awful of me to think you could have killed...'

'It's so awful - having to tell you these things,' she cried

Even the Napiers are saying awful things about her! Just because she left their tennis, party a bit early

If we'd been planning to go away together, and then Lucius had died - it would be so awful now

'That awful old Miss Marple has made a mistake

Father was an awful man

'What an awful idea,' said Miss Marple

Then an awful idea came to me

After a while, I Harris said, 'I've got an awful headache

oh,' she said, pleased for the first time since this awful day had begun.