How to use "bedroom" in a sentence


The manager, Walter Purkiss, and his wife were in their bedroom on the second floor

Valjean followed the bishop upstairs into a bedroom

This was the bishop's bedroom

He then put his shoes into the bag and, grasping the iron bar in his right hand, he moved quietly towards the door of the bishop's bedroom

He gave the door a gentle push and crept into the bedroom

He grabbed it, hurried back to the spare bedroom, picked up his stick and bag, climbed out of the window, emptied the silver into his bag and threw the basket into the garden

She listened at the window for a minute, then ran up to her bedroom, opened the window and looked out

Her heart on fire, she took the notebook upstairs to her bedroom and read every word again

Cosette, however, did not leave her bedroom the next day, and Jean Valjean had dinner alone

'Madame is in the bedroom,' I told him

Mrs Van Hopper called me from her bedroom

In my bedroom was a book that Rebecca had held in her hands

I went into my bedroom and waited.

I walked slowly into Mrs Van Hopper's bedroom

This room led into a large, light bedroom with wide windows

'Then this was not his bedroom before?'

I hurried up some stairs, hoping that I could find my way to my bedroom in the east wing

The room, a bedroom, was the most beautiful I had ever seen

I pushed open the door to my own bedroom

That evening, as I was getting ready for dinner, there was a knock at my bedroom door

I found Clarice waiting for me in my bedroom, her face full of excitement

Clarice was waiting for me in my bedroom

I could not hide in my bedroom any longer

The Cat opens the window and gets into a bedroom

Holding the gun in her right hand, she went quietly to the bedroom door.

Taking a deep breath, she unlocked the bedroom door and eased into the hall.

A little more than a year before he had died, Danny had begun sleeping at the opposite end of the small house from the master bedroom, in what had once been the den

At the time, Tina was certain that Danny was aware of the nightly arguments she and Michael were having in their own bedroom, which was next to his, and that he wanted to move into the den so he wouldn't be able to hear them bickering

Now, anxious to complete her search for the burglar - who was beginning to look as imaginary as all the other burglars she had stalked on other nights - she opened the door to Danny's bedroom

Neddler, the cleaning lady who came in twice a week, to vacuum and dust his unused bedroom as if nothing had happened to him

When she went into Danny's bedroom, she saw at once that the easel-chalkboard had been knocked over again

One of the planes swung in tight circles, faster and faster, then in wider circles, steadily decreasing the angle between the line on which it was suspended and the bedroom ceiling

Now this was only a young boy's bedroom, a room like countless thousands of others.

She left the bedroom, returned to the kitchen, and drank two shots of Tina Evans's best bourbon

Then, with characteristic stoicism, she returned to the boy's bedroom to wipe up the water from the melted ice, and she continued housecleaning.

She was convinced that the man in black was in her bedroom, standing silently in the darkness, grinning

She was positive that Michael had not done the damage in Danny's bedroom

Yet the taunting words on the chalkboard and the destruction in the bedroom seemed to be the work of someone who felt that she should be held accountable for the accident

In Danny's bedroom

As if drifting in a dream, they left the den and went into the bedroom

She dragged it into the bedroom, across the carpet, into the shafts of reddish-gold afternoon sunlight that filtered through the sheltering trees outside and then through the dust-filmed window.

"I have suitcases in my bedroom closet."

She headed for the master bedroom, confused and beginning to be frightened.

"Well, there was the gas man," Tina said as she hurried down the short hall toward the master bedroom.

Elliot put a hand on her shoulder, stopped her, and turned her around just as they entered the bedroom

But the truth is that I am fighting down the feeling that a stranger has broken into the house and is in my bedroom

As Melchett and I left the bedroom, I saw a thin man come out of another room along the passage.

It was lying with the other one in your stepmother's bedroom.'

It was when Mercy got up to go to the bedroom that Connie noticed the new shoes.

Connie is crying and he knows it as soon as he enters the bedroom

I moved slowly along the ledge to my bedroom window and climbed back in