How to use "believed" in a sentence


I believed I could be free again

Compared with the perils which our forefathers conquered, because they believed and were not afraid, we have still much to be thankful for

The police believed that Druitt went mad after the murder of Mary Kelly and committed suicide

The police believed there was one final murder by the Ripper in July 1889

Inspector Abbeline, a very able and experienced detective, interviewed him on November 12th - and believed his story

But he kept his suspicions to himself, not daring to say what he really believed: that M

Madeleine, but I believed you were a man called Jean Valjean

At first, no one believed him, but he managed to persuade the court by skilfully questioning each of the witnesses, revealing personal information that only the real Jean Valjean could have known

For many years, Marius believed this, but when he was seventeen years old, he learnt the truth

Charles X, who had become king in 1824, believed that he had total power over the French people

He also invented a dead family for Cosette, so that everybody believed she was an orphan

Now Gran believed in encouraging people to enjoy the real world, instead of constantly escaping to the simulators or the ultranet

I've always believed that he died in the outside world, in the contamination." She rolled the fruit between her fingers

I would love to leave if I really believed we could

Suddenly I believed everything

She'd heard that said, and she believed it

She was steadily becoming a respected name in the closely-knit Vegas entertainment world, and she believed that she was on the verge of great success.

She believed in the moral value of hard work, and she always gave her employers their money's worth.

She believed in death and taxes, in the inevitability of slot-machine jackpots, in all-you-can-eat casino buffets for $5.95 per person, in the Lord God Almighty, in the truth of alien abductions and Big Foot, but she didn't believe in ghosts.

I believed..

"I believed them, thought it was safe."

She hesitated, trying to hear how it was going to sound before she said it, wondering if she really believed it enough even to give voice to it

Elliot didn't tell the judge about the malicious prankster, for that seemed like an unnecessary complication; he still believed that once the fact of Danny's death was established by the exhumation, the quickest and surest way of dealing with the harassment was to hire a first-rate firm of private investigators to track down the perpetrator

If I really believed there was even the tiniest chance of anything like that, would I be standing here so cheerful?"

At first, she half believed that he was trying to be funny, playing a game to amuse her, and she was going to tell him that none of this struck her as funny

People might have discounted most of what the boys said about it, but they'd have believed Jaborski and Lincoln

I've never believed in that psychic crap."

If Stryker could be believed, the woman's motivations were innocent enough

An executive jet for the chief of the vital Nevada bureau was not an extravagance, and Alexander believed his improved performance over the past year had convinced the old man in Washington that this was money well spent.

At least half of the people who worked for it did not even realize it existed; some thought they were employed by the FBI; others were sure they worked for the CIA; and still others believed that they were in the hire of various branches of the Treasury Department, including the Secret Service

"You said you believed."

A second writer, a surly fellow, believed that he would soon be a famous director and informed us of this at every opportunity

I knew that he had believed the answers Helene had given him

Andre believed that his transmitter was the most important discovery since the invention of the wheel

He believed it would change life as we know it

Do you know, for years I believed she was dead

And Inspector Slack believed it.'

I believed him, and yet I wondered why he now looked so unhappy

I believed him but I suspected that he knew more than he said

In the last years of the nineteenth century, no one believed that this world was being watched closely by intelligences greater than our own

With great confidence, people travelled around this world and believed that they were in control of their lives

At most, people believed there might be living things on Mars, perhaps less developed than us and ready to welcome visitors

I believed in his idea of the future and in the possibility of his plans

But I believed in him enough to work with him all that morning at his digging.

And I believed her because I know what they pay her is just not enough to live on

The Count had left a letter for my uncle, telling him that Anne Catherick was back in the asylum, but she now believed that she was Lady Glyde! I left Limmeridge and went to the asylum

Imagine my feelings, Walter, when I saw my dear sister there in the asylum, and that everyone believed she was Anne Catherick! I gave the nurse one hundred pounds to help Laura escape

Anne believed me

Why should he listen to a mad woman? I told him that Anne was even more confused than before; she now believed she was Lady Glyde

The newspaper said that the murderer was believed to be a member of the Brotherhood

In the past, a lot of people believed that women were not as intelligent as men

In 18th-century Russia, for example, Catherine the Great believed in education for everyone.

She believed that education in Britain had to change

Her mother and father believed in education for girls

Both her mother and her father believed in women's rights.

Richard also believed in the vote for women

Emmeline and Richard believed in the same ideas

They believed in doing things, not only saying words

Her parents were teachers who believed in the education of women