How to use "blood" in a sentence


What will I need for the job? The knife, that's certain, but also a tourniquet to stop the blood

There are several at my feet and some drinking the blood on the canyon wall

It didn't even hurt and there's very little blood

I can't walk straight, I can't think for more than a few seconds, and I'm losing blood, fast.

I'm losing blood, fast...' Unable to continue, I fall to the ground.

I sit behind the pilot and watch blood pour slowly down my arm.

Most were for the pain and to fight the poison in my blood

There was blood on the bandages, and the man looked very sick

Captain Nemo fought with the shark, and there was blood in the water

It was some of our men on the far side of the hole, and there was blood all over them

There was blood all over him and he had two bullets in his stomach.

Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bondman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether."

The glass cut his forehead and blood began to flow down his face

When they saw a lot of blood flowing from the woman's neck, they ran to find a policeman

Jack the Ripper wanted more blood, and he went to look for another victim.

He threw the piece of apron, wet with blood, in the doorway and wrote the message

Then he saw a body lying on the bed and a lot of blood

Then she gave a blood-stained smile

Marius felt the blood leave his face

She put her fist through the glass and ran to her bed, crying because her arm was covered in blood.

A fire burned in the corner of the room, filling it with blood-red light

For a moment all the blood seemed to leave M

Then, noticing the pool of blood on the ground behind her, cried, 'You're wounded! I'll carry you to the inn

She pressed her hand to her chest, from which blood was pouring like dark wine

A terrible heap of dead bodies lay not far away, among them the blood-stained body of a young girl in man's clothes - Eponine.

He walked blindly downwards in this way for a long time, his clothes wet with the blood from Marius's wound, the faint whisper of the young man's breath in his ear

It was covered with blood and as pale as death

Bending down, he took a handkerchief from his pocket, wet it in the river and bathed Marius's blood-stained forehead

When I pull my fingers away, they are wet, and even with no light the blood is bright and easy to see.

I think about the lump on the back of my head and the fresh blood on my fingers

And look, the blood behind his ear is where she hit him before she escaped."

Peter nods his head, "Interesting, but a coroner will find traces of sleeping pills in the blood

Miss Lee then stabbed Mr Dawson in the neck with the scissors, and he died in seconds due to loss of blood

Is it my fault she is so stupid? So easy to manipulate? A little bit of blood on my face, a few tears, a fake story about him hitting me

His shirt has a little blood on it, and his hand is sore

And he thinks of the white shirt in the trunk of the car: the white shirt with blood on it

He saw the blood, but there was only a little, and his hand hurt

"I hope you die and rot in the desert!" she shouted, blood still on her face

And there is blood on Jimmy Lane

Her arm hurts, so she takes her jacket off, and in the mirror she can see a small drop of blood on her skin.

Flowers filled the room, glowing blood-red flowers

'There was blood all over the floor

A blood-red light was spreading across the sky

And the light was red, red like blood

However, his features were large, square, and utterly without evidence of patrician blood, and even after the mellowing influences of elocution teachers, his naturally low, gravelly voice belied his origins in a rough Brooklyn neighborhood.

The sliding closet doors began to move on their runners, and Vivienne Neddler had the feeling that some awful thing was going to come out of the dark space, its eyes as red as blood and its razor-sharp teeth gnashing

The blood drains from his head-bang! - And he faints dead away

Anyway, when he finally gets hungry and realizes he hasn't eaten, he gulps down a huge meal, and the blood rushes from his head to his stomach, and he passes out in the middle of the restaurant

Her heart seemed to be pumping a refrigerant instead of blood, and an iciness radiated from it.

He removed other things from the bag too: a length of flexible rubber tubing, a sphygmomanometer for monitoring blood pressure, two small bottles of amber-colored fluid, and a packet of disposable hypodermic syringes.

Bright blood streamed from the ragged stump of the coachman's neck, and gelatinous clots of blood clung to his white, ruffled shirt

She felt the blood drain from her face.

A blood-freezing image rose at the back of her mind: the house torn apart by a colossal blast, shrapnel of wood and glass and metal whistling toward her, hundreds of sharp fragments piercing her from head to foot.

It made my blood run cold

"My blood's turning to ice," she said.

Zachariah moved to another bank of computer screens, where Danny Evans's heartbeat, blood pressure, body temperature, and brainwave activity were constantly displayed

What would the elder Alexander's, the famous statesmen, think if they knew he'd soiled his hands with blood? As for the fact that it was sometimes his job to order other men to kill, he supposed his family would understand

It didn't swoop and dart uncontrollably this time; it crept carefully, hesitantly across the paper, leaving a thin red line of ink like a thread of blood.

No blood or pain.

The bullet didn't sever any major blood vessels."

He has a natural antibody in his blood that helps him fight off this particular virus, even though it's an artificial bug

Now, as she approached his bed, she bit her lower lip so hard that she tasted blood

And not a blood clot."

As Andre's body was released, the trapped blood poured all over the horrible mess revealed under the hammer.

My young nephew, Dennis, said, 'We'll all remember that when the old man is found covered in blood

Then he looked at the things on the desk and examined the blood

The blood had begun to congeal.'

The sun, shining through the smoke that rose up from the tops of the trees, seemed blood-red and threw an unfamiliar bright light on everything.

'Let's go back to the cart,' said my brother, wiping the blood from his lip.

Instead, they took fresh blood from living creatures and used a tube to put it straight into their own bodies

There was a hat lying in the mud, and a lot of broken glass with blood on it.

The hand that hung over her knee was cut, and blood had fallen onto her dirty brown dress