How to use "body" in a sentence


Every few minutes, it blows down the canyon and makes my body shake

I feel strong enough to survive the fear of death, but not my body's need for water

I must do something to cover more of my body.

Most of my body feels warmer, but I'm still shaking because my head and neck are cold

There's not enough water in my body to produce any tears

Then I tell them what to do with my dead body

But there are no tears - my body is too dry for tears.

I throw the whole weight of my body below the boulder

My body crashes from one side of the canyon wall to the other

The giant squid shot black ink out of its body, and none of us could see anything

First its body went, then its legs

The great body of the people abide by the dry legal obligation in both cases, and a few break over in each

When Dr Llewellyn examined the body, he thought the killer was right-handed

On his left between the steps and the wooden fence lay the mutilated body of a woman

Davis ran out into Hanbury Street, where he saw some workmen and shouted, 'Men, come here!' They followed him, looked at the body from the steps, then ran to find a policeman.

Her body was still warm

In the darkest corner of the square he saw the body of a woman in the light of his lantern

Then Inspector Collard arrived from Bishopsgate Police Station, and Dr Brown came at 2.18 to examine the body.

He did not see or hear anything when he entered it and discovered the body at 1.44

But the discovery of the apron shows that the killer was out in the streets at some time between 2.20 and 2.55 36 to 71 minutes after Watkins discovered the body

Then he saw a body lying on the bed and a lot of blood

The body on the bed resembled something in a butcher's shop

On the bed lay a body that was almost unrecognisable

On December 31st 1888 his body was found in the Thames near Chiswick

The robber pulled the body from the pile of bodies and saw that he had rescued a French officer

Cosette, feeling her body close to his, took his hand and pressed it against her heart

Just as Marius thought that her sad soul had finally left her body, she slowly opened her eyes, and said in a voice so sweet that it seemed already to come from another world, 'You know, M

A terrible heap of dead bodies lay not far away, among them the blood-stained body of a young girl in man's clothes - Eponine.

Javert glanced at the dead body and murmured, 'I think I know that girl

When Marius had been hit, Valjean ran to him at once, grabbed him before he fell and carried his unconscious body into a small alley behind the wine shop

Then, bending over the unconscious body, Valjean stared at Marius with hatred in his eyes.

My body must be taken to the house of my grandfather, M

'Then you can tie stones to the body and throw it in the river.'

The next morning, Inspector Javert's body was discovered floating in the river

'The wound to his body is not serious, but there are deep cuts on his head

'He was carrying the body of a man he had robbed and killed,' Thenardier said

But as the weakness of his body increased, his spirit grew in strength

And so she goes to her husband as the flames spread over his body, and she watches

One moment you are asleep, your dreams calm and gentle and your body warm in the blankets of your bed

The next moment you are awake, a horrible sensation filling your body, and you are sure that ice-cold water is covering you.

Quietly, you move the blankets from your body, and you take the dressing gown from the end of your bed and put it on

She feels a cold shiver move over her body, and suddenly she thinks that she feels a little ill.

Your whole body lay inside the pod and it was like your normal life was turned off

They connect your body to them and look after it for you - your food, your muscles, everything

You learn things in a completely different way because your whole body is involved

"Because you're just lying in the pod, they're able to store all the heat energy that your body creates

"These are your body suits," Zee told them

Zee guided Sala into her pod; the door closed, and she could feel the cool metal attachments touching her face and her body suit

After that, you'll have two days of tests, to check that your body is behaving normally under pod conditions."

"Your body produces heat in the pod

If your body is in good health, you will then return to the pod for a further twenty-three months."

She kept on smiling as Cham showed his little sisters where his body was connected to the pod.

Her whole body was connected now

Her fat, heavy body swayed above her short fat legs

Maxim had to identify the body.'

His whole body was shaking with fear and tears were rolling down his fat, round face.

My body was tired, but my mind would not rest

There was a body in there on the cabin floor

'It's Rebecca's body lying there on the cabin floor.'

I carried her body to the cabin, took the boat out that night and sank it

'They will make sure that the body in the cabin is Rebecca

Then they will remember that other body in the church

'I carried Rebecca's body to the boat

I laid the body on the floor of the cabin

'The diver has seen the body

They'll find out that it's Rebecca's body in the cabin.'

'Then you must say you made a mistake about the other body

He asked me if I had made a mistake about the other body.'

'Is it true,' she asked slowly, 'that Mrs de Winter's boat has been found and that there was a body in the cabin?'

'We found a body in the boat this morning

It is the body of the late Mrs de Winter

As you know, Mr de Winter identified the other body found in the sea as his wife

De Winter will have to say that the body in the boat was the late Mrs de Winter

All the papers said that Rebecca's body had been found after the Fancy Dress Ball

Rebecca's body has to be buried

Then I read about Rebecca's boat and the body in the cabin

But perhaps they'd been mistaken when they identified the body

After the shower, the chilled wine further relaxed her body, although it did little to calm her mind and allay her anxiety

"I never saw his body."

Neither of us would have been anxious to view the body even if it had been in perfect shape, so we accepted the mortician's recommendations

"How did the authorities identify the body?"

"Have Danny's body exhumed?"

If I'd seen the body, then I'd have known for sure

"The body's in an airtight casket, but it'll be even more deteriorated now than it was a year ago when they recommended you not look at it."

"Of course," he said, "exhumation of the body won't answer the main question

"Well, there's no urgent legal reason to have the body exhumed

Her mother was shattered, couldn't bear to view the body, though the daughter hadn't suffered substantial physical damage, the way Danny did

Because the mother hadn't seen the body in the funeral home, she just couldn't bring herself to believe her daughter was really dead

Apparently, when a child dies, one of the worst things a parent can do is refuse to look at the body while it's lying in a casket

You need to spend time with the deceased, enough to accept that the body is never going to be animated again."

"But don't forget," Elliot said, "her daughter's body wasn't mutilated."

The body was still in pretty good condition

He explored her body slowly, deliberately, first with his eyes, then with his loving hands, then with his lips and tongue.

As he entered her, she let her hands travel over his body, along his lean flanks.

The exhumation of Danny's body would be good for her, regardless of the horror that she might have to confront when the coffin lid was raised

He spent an hour and a half in his library, paging through legal casebooks, boning up on precedents for the exhumation of a body that, as the court had put it, "was to be disinterred in the absence of a pressing legal need, solely for humane reasons, in consideration of certain survivors of the deceased." Elliot didn't think Harold Kennebeck would give him any trouble, and he didn't expect the judge to request a list of precedents for something as relatively simple and harmless as reopening Danny's grave, but he intended to be well prepared

Now, for the judge's benefit, and to explain why an exhumation had suddenly become such a vital matter, Elliot exaggerated the anguish and confusion that Tina had undergone as a direct consequence of never having seen the body of her child.

"And when the dust finally settled," Elliot said, "my client would win the right to exhume the body anyway."

If there were no unusual marks on his body, no injuries incompatible with the coroner's determination of suicide, the police would be quickly satisfied.

His grisly head stood on the driver's seat beside him, grinning fiendishly, filled with malevolent life even though it had been brutally severed from his body.

They were going to great lengths to avoid using violence, which confirmed Elliot's suspicion that they wanted to leave him unmarked, so that later his body would bear no cuts or bruises incompatible with suicide.

Her sudden gullibility dismayed and alarmed her, because it indicated that the decision to have Danny's body exhumed was not having the stabilizing effect on her emotions that she had hoped it would.

"Listen, Tina, they wanted to kill me just because I was going to help you get Danny's body exhumed."

The similarities between the horror story and their attempt to exhume Danny's body chilled Elliot.

Why did Christina Evans ask you, rather than another attorney, to handle the exhumation of her son's body?

If the body were exhumed and reexamined by a top-notch pathologist, we'd almost certainly find proof that the cause of death wasn't what the authorities originally said it was."

So if we can't examine the body, we'll have to do the next best thing

We might eventually have to talk to him, but first we should pay a visit to the mortician who handled the body

An undertaker in Reno prepared the body and shipped it here for the funeral

The Network badly wanted to eliminate everyone who might press for the exhumation of Danny Evans's body, and the agents targeted against Elliot Stryker and Christina Evans had thus far failed to carry out their orders to terminate the pair

The active poison itself had already penetrated the victim's body, done its work, and begun to break down into a series of naturally occurring chemicals that would raise no alarms when the coroner later studied the results of the usual battery of forensic tests

The hotel doctor would call it a heart attack after he had examined the body

Evans felt guilty about not having had the courage to view the boy's mutilated body prior to the burial

In the meantime, Network agents could have located a boy's body in the same state of decay, as Danny's corpse would have been if it had been locked in that coffin for the past year

They figure there's something wrong with the little boy's body, something odd that we can't afford to let them see

"So they'll go to see the mortician who supposedly prepared the boy's body for burial."

Zachariah moved to another bank of computer screens, where Danny Evans's heartbeat, blood pressure, body temperature, and brainwave activity were constantly displayed

Two slugs ricocheted off the body of the car, each trailing away with a brief, high-pitched whine.

For almost two months, they've been reinfecting his body over and over again, letting the virus wear him down, trying to discover how many times he can lick it before it finally licks him

But he hugged her very hard, and again she was surprised by how much strength he could still summon from his devastated body

One by one, she removed the eighteen electrodes that were fixed to his head and body

And like syphilis, Wuhan-400 can't survive outside a living human body for longer than a minute, which means it can't permanently contaminate objects or entire places the way anthrax and other virulent microorganisms can

It destroys the part of the brain that controls all of the body's automatic functions

With smiles, murmured assurances, and kisses planted on his frail hands, she finally managed to persuade him to tuck both of his arms close to his body.

No one threatened my life; neither of these women had an unkempt beard (or a kempt one for that matter); neither of them presented us with a body-odor problem; and neither of them indulged in furious political rants that sprayed spittle on those of us who just wanted to make a TV movie.

Andre's body, is down at the factory..

As Andre's body was released, the trapped blood poured all over the horrible mess revealed under the hammer.

the thing's body shook for a second and then lay still.

I went the cemetery where my brother's body is buried

I repeated my story of discovering the body

Inspector Slack took his constable's notebook, read it, and strode over to the body

Discovery of the body was at about a quarter to seven

'But I touched the body and it was cold,' I said.

The colonel said, 'Did you touch the body?'

Lawrence Redding told how he had found the body, and admitted that the pistol belonged to him.

I described how I had found the body.

Dr Haydock then described the appearance of the body and the exact injuries

He was walking up and down, and his whole body was shaking.

I mean, when we discovered the body.'

But now the sounds inside had stopped, and a thin circle of bright metal showed between its top and body.

My body seemed to have lost its strength

Near the top I stood on something soft and, by a flash of lightning, saw the body of a man

I had never touched a dead body before, but I forced myself to turn him over and feel for his heart

Or did a Martian sit inside each, controlling it in the same way that a man's brain controls his body?

Then two other shells burst at the same time in the air near its body

There was talk of a floating body.

Through this we saw the body of a Martian, watching a cylinder which was still red with heat

Each body had a face in front of it

In the back of the head, or body - I do not really know what to call it - there was a flat surface like the skin of a drum, which we now know worked as an ear

A young Martian, we now know, was born on Earth during the war, and it was found growing out of the body of its parent, just like some young plants.

Then I heard the sound of a heavy body - I knew whose it was - being dragged across the floor of the kitchen towards the opening

In front of me the road became black and I saw the twisted shape of a body lying across the pavement

'Say something! Are you dead or alive? Where is your body?'

He told me that Count Fosco had accompanied the body from London and had gone to the funeral (which my uncle himself had been too ill to go to)

They came out carrying the dead body of Sir Percival Glyde.

He had left a note on the Count's body with the single word 'Traditore' - the Italian word for traitor - written on it.