How to use "boys" in a sentence


But then some boys hit me, and my Mom didn't want me to play with them again

Then they put me into another kind of school, and there were some strange boys there

But when I was thirteen, I grew six inches in six months! And by the time I was sixteen, I was bigger and heavier than all the other boys in the school.

'Well, boys,' he said, 'there's always next year.'

I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of ''interposition" and "nullification" - one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

He was teaching the upper sixth form boys.

I think he hits the boys sometimes, but I can't prove it."

Rhea says that it is just his age, and that all teenage boys prefer computer games and television to walks in the forest.

No one but me and the boys

Usually, she was shy with boys

Sala and Cham left, and met three friends in another space - Niki, and two boys named Palo and Ding

Torn and crushed in a bus accident with fourteen other little boys, just one victim of a larger tragedy

Unlike many boys his age, he'd been concerned about orderliness and cleanliness

Maybe even two boys and two girls

"And the boys competed hard all year for the chance to be one of those selected to go on the trip

A year ago, Jaborski's excursion had included fourteen boys between the ages of twelve and eighteen

No one in his right mind would take boys as young as twelve into the deepest parts of the Sierras, no matter how well prepared, supplied, and trained they were, no matter how strong, no matter how many big brothers were there to look out for them."

He was so good that he could safely take young boys into the Sierras for sixteen years, a challenge a lot of other winter survival experts wouldn't touch

Then a lot of people are going to be pushing for an exhumation of all those boys

Lincoln, and the boys stumbled across a place like that in the Sierras?"

The boys couldn't have gotten very close to such a well-guarded place

A group of young boys wouldn't be a threat to the security of a secret installation."

People might have discounted most of what the boys said about it, but they'd have believed Jaborski and Lincoln

Jaborski, Lincoln, and all the other boys might have died in the Sierras, but Danny didn't

Almost thirteen months ago, when Danny and the other boys in his troop were on their winter survival outing, one of our scientists, a quirky son of a bitch named Larry Bollinger, accidentally contaminated himself while he was working alone one morning in this lab."

By eight o'clock a number of boys and unemployed men were already walking to the common to see the 'dead men from Mars'

The growing crowd, he said, was now becoming a serious problem, especially the boys

There was a man with his wife and two boys and some pieces of furniture in a cart, and close behind him came another one with five or six well-dressed people and some boxes and cases

Then he sent one of the boys to tell her the size of the nails

If she had one of those university boys for a boyfriend, wouldn't he come and take her home every evening? Certainly, Joe would love to do exactly that - with his taxi

The law was bad, they said - the lowest age for boys to marry was eighteen, but the lowest age for girls was sixteen.

Now, the lowest age to get married in Zimbabwe is eighteen, and it's the same for boys and girls