How to use "broke" in a sentence


Then she went to the Caterpillars mushroom and broke off some of it with her right hand

He broke his foot in football practice and couldn't play in the game

Sometime before thieves broke the lock and stole things

Annie drank a lot and her marriage broke down

Nobody knows when the marriage broke down, but in 1877 Elizabeth was living in a workhouse

Then, turning to his wife, he said, 'Quickly! Put out the fire!' While she poured water on the flames, the man broke the chair with his foot and told his younger daughter to break a window

Before long, they broke down the door and rushed inside

"You're quick: the air conditioning only broke this morning."

"We know," Little John says, "we broke it."

She broke it down the middle, and the little dried fruit fell out into her hand.

"It's my dad." Cham's voice broke.

Then Dani's voice broke into her thoughts

The ornament broke into many pieces

I broke the cupid yesterday.'

'You broke it? Why didn't you say so when Frith was here? You'll have to explain to Mrs Danvers now.'

'Mrs de Winter broke the cupid herself

'The cabin door was closed, so he broke a window and looked in

Maxim broke in.

The Lido was one of those incredibly lavish productions that could be seen nowhere in the world but Vegas, for it was only in Las Vegas that a multimillion-dollar show could be staged year after year with little concern for profit; such vast sums were spent on the elaborate sets and costumes, and on the enormous cast and crew, that the hotel was usually happy if the production merely broke even from ticket and drink sales

A sliver of ice broke loose under her finger and fell onto the nightstand

"I think someone broke in."

"Somebody broke in three times but didn't steal anything?"

And those bed-hopping weekends broke my heart, Michael, broke my heart - which is what you hoped to do, so that was all right with you

But if the Explorer broke down in the mountains, or if another hitch developed, they wanted to be prepared for the unexpected.

It was such a tentative smile, such a vague ghost of all the broad warm smiles she remembered, that it broke her heart.

they're now supposed to be our new friends, but they keep developing bacteriological weapons, new and more virulent strains of viruses, because they're broke, and this is a lot cheaper than other weapons systems

These broke when they hit the ground - they did not explode - and let out an enormous amount of thick Black Smoke

A kilometer before the village the front wheel of the bicycle broke

The bottle hit the floor and broke, and I stopped fighting and got up

I heard it go into the food cupboard, It moved the tins and a bottle broke

I broke into the house - and afterwards found that the front door was unlocked

As soon as George and Harris started packing, they broke a cup

They walked on things and broke them

But suddenly, the branch of the tree broke! I fell into the river along with my towel

The tin flew away and broke a teacup.

Mercy broke into tears.

Perhaps he could escape through the window! I broke the glass, but then the flames jumped out of the open space.

Firemen broke down the door and went in

The women walked in the streets and broke windows