How to use "brown" in a sentence


On the ground in front of me is a pool of brown water

Some were white and some were brown.

Eat from that brown mushroom there and you'll get smaller,' it said

She went to the brown mushroom and did the same with her left hand.

She ate some of the brown mushroom

I know! I'll eat some of the brown mushroom.'

But there were only three at the table: the Mad Hatter, the March Hare and a large brown mouse

Then she ate some of the brown mushroom

Mom was there, and they got all the things out of my desk and put them in a brown paper bag

She was about 1.58m tall, and had dark brown hair

She had dark brown hair and blue eyes

He wore a brown deerstalker hat and a dark coat

Schwartz later described the man as 1.65m tall, about 30, with a small brown moustache

She had curly dark-brown hair, a pale complexion, and light grey eyes

She looked about forty, and had dark brown hair under her black bonnet

He wore a brown deerstalker hat and was short, about 1.63m

What is the most probable picture of the murderer? He was a short man, not more than 1.68m, between 28-35 years old, with a light brown moustache

She had soft brown hair, pale, smooth skin, deep blue eyes and a lovely smile that lit up her face like sunshine.

An ordinary face with small dark eyes and dirty brown hair

Is it the man with the dark eyes and dirty brown hair? Does he know I am here? Good! If he looks for me, he is not with Catherine, I think

"He matches the girl's description perfectly: dirty brown hair, small dark eyes

She has long brown hair that right now looks a little untidy

But then Owen sees what is behind the trees: brown hair, big gentle eyes..

The train speeds out of the tunnel, and she enjoys the feeling of the wind in her dark brown hair

I cut the string excitedly and tore off the dark brown paper

Joel was an odd little man: five-feet-four, slightly chubby but not fat, with curly brown hair that appeared to have frizzed and kinked in response to a jolt of electricity

In this one, he was ten or eleven years old, a sweet brown-haired boy with dark eyes and a lovely smile.

Her shoulder-length hair - deep brown, almost black, glossy - swept across her brow, feathered back at the sides, and framed her face as though it were a painting by a great master

He was wearing a beige suit, a dark brown shirt, and a beige-patterned tie

On the brown hills, the huge houses thrust like the bleak monuments of an ancient, dead religion

His stylishly cut brown hair shaded to iron gray at the temples

Aaron Zachariah, younger than Dombey, clean-shaven, with straight brown hair, leaned over one of the computers, reading the data that flowed across the screen

It was the brown velvet cloth I had seen on a table in my brother's laboratory.

She came back some minutes later with a large brown envelope.

Andre had his head and shoulders covered by the brown velvet cloth from the table.

But the eyes! Where the eyes should have been, there were two brown shapes the size of saucers

Twenty minutes later he carefully folded them and put them into the brown envelope

She had brown hair, a pale face and very deep grey eyes

As I stood up, I noticed a shiny brown stone lying on the ground

Then I thought of something, and I took from my pocket the shiny brown stone I had found in the woods

And I also told her about the shiny brown stone I had found

On Waterloo Bridge a number of people were watching an odd brown liquid that came down the river from time to time

The soldier paused and laid a brown hand on my arm.

The hand that hung over her knee was cut, and blood had fallen onto her dirty brown dress

Out of the top of it hung long, brown pieces of flesh, which the birds were tearing away.

But when it's rainy, the river is brown and unfriendly.