How to use "burning" in a sentence


His only neighbour was an old woman, who did his housework and kept his stove burning

With fire? How? She locks him in a room in a burning house?"

They try to stop her, but she runs into the burning building

He looked pale and tired, but a feverish excitement was burning in his eyes.

but curiosity was burning inside her

Directly overhead, the ceiling of the immense porte cochere was lined with hundreds of lights; none of the bulbs were burning now, but after nightfall, they would rain dazzling, golden luminosity upon the glossy cobblestones below

When she thought of clubbing him, he looked at her, and she saw his face: a fleshless skull with rotting skin stretched over the bones, burning red eyes, a yellow-toothed grin

The burning, scarlet eyes of the monstrous figure in the drawing seemed to follow her.

He grabbed her arm, swung her away from the burning house, the sight of which affected her as much as if it had been a hypnotist's slowly swinging pocket watch.

As Elliot drove away from the burning house, his instinctual sense of danger was as sensitive as it had been in his military days

As they drove off the plateau, around the burning wreckage of the helicopter, Danny said, "They were bad people

When it was burning, he said, 'I think it proves beyond all doubt that Madame Delambre was quite insane.'

'Because the potatoes are probably burning.'

In fact, he compared it to the burning gases that might rush out from a gun.

Then, by the light of their own burning, I saw each of the men falling, and their followers turning to run.

The storm had left the sky clear, and over the smoke of the burning land the tiny bright light of Mars was dropping into the west, when a soldier came quietly into my garden

Another pause, and then he shouted, 'The smoke of her burning goes up for ever and ever!' His eyes were wide and he pointed a thin finger in the direction of Weybridge.

Even the afternoon papers had nothing to tell apart from the movement of soldiers around the common, and the burning of the woods between Woking and Weybridge

By midnight the burning trees along the slopes of Richmond Hill lit up clouds of Black Smoke which covered the whole valley of the Thames, and went as far as the eye could see.

The Martian was thrown back by the violence of the explosion, and in another moment the burning wreckage, still moving forwards, had broken the Martian like something made of wood

The noise of burning was actually better than silence.

Her father, Vicente, died in the 1980 burning of the Spanish Embassy