How to use "burnt" in a sentence


Why had the Ripper burnt them? When Abbeline discovered only one small piece of candle in the room, he thought that the killer had made a fire with the clothes because he needed more light to do his terrible work.

It cannot be burnt skin under the elegant white scarf.

The letter "R" was the last to be burnt

He burnt all the papers in the box, and said to me, "John, I know that I'm going to die soon

"Which papers? The papers in Uncle Elias's box? He burnt them!" I said.

He showed us a small, half-burnt piece of paper

Put this paper into your uncle's box, put in a letter which says that your uncle burnt all the other papers, and put the box outside in the garden

You remember the half-burnt paper? That was Uncle Elias's American diary

In fact, I felt rather happy at the thought of no more burnt vegetables and tough meat.

It was covered with a thick burnt skin, which softened its edges

Then suddenly, he noticed that some of the burnt skin was falling off the round edge at the end

'There's a man in it - men in it! Half burnt to death! Trying to escape!'

They listened, knocked on the burnt metal with a rock and, getting no answer, they both decided that the men inside were either unconscious or dead.

The view opened out until, on one side, it reached to the houses around Woking Station, and on the other, to the burnt woods of Byfleet

He found himself lying under a group of burnt dead men and horses

There were a few people still alive there; most of them were very frightened, and many of them had been burnt

The fires had died down now, but the ruins of broken and burnt-out houses and blackened trees were clear in the cold light of the dawn

In the road lay a pile of three burnt bodies close together, killed by the Heat-Ray

For a day and a half he stayed up there, tired, hungry and burnt by the sun before it was safe to come down

You can see the quiet expectation, the officers watching, the gunners waiting with their horses, the groups of local people standing as near as they were allowed, the ambulances and hospital tents with the burnt and wounded from Weybridge

The sound of tools would soon be heard in all the burnt and broken houses

Harris often burnt his fingers

Montmorency went to put his nose over the frying pan once, and burnt himself

But, all that came out was a teaspoon full of burnt eggs.

For a long time I had felt nothing but hatred for Sir Percival, but I could not watch as he burnt to death in the vestry

I had no proof now of the forgery in the register because the register was burnt

The Count burnt the letter, and, half an hour later, he and the Countess were gone.