How to use "calm" in a sentence


Its words are calm and sensible and nearly always help me

I am calm as I leave necessary instructions for my parents.

Stay calm, says the second.

I make myself stay calm

The tall man was calm and he spoke perfect English

So far as possible, the people everywhere shall have that sense of perfect security which is most favorable to calm thought and reflection

Suddenly Slinkton lost his calm and his courage

When he had been angry at the world, he had felt calm and sure of himself

She was breathing with great difficulty, but her face looked peaceful and calm

Madeleine tried to calm her

Nothing of him was clearly visible except his face, which was calm and serious, but strangely sad.

Oliver tries to stay calm, but he knows there is too little time

A nice tea to calm you down; then we can start again and see if there are any other details."

One moment you are asleep, your dreams calm and gentle and your body warm in the blankets of your bed

And you want to tell yourself to relax, that everything is okay, and to close your eyes and return to your calm and gentle dreams.

And you do not tell yourself to relax, you do not tell yourself that everything is okay, and you do not tell yourself to return to your calm and gentle dreams.

But this is just your imagination, your fear, and you know that and try to stay calm and focussed.

my son," the voice says, and Barry thinks that it is a calm and honest voice.

He laughs and turns back to Junior to tell him to stay calm.

He looks calm

But there is something very dangerous about Hank Wynn when he looks calm and happy

And for a little while more they wait, until the surface of the pool is calm again

She tries to stay calm

Instead, there was calm blue ocean as far as they could see, under a cloudless sky

It was so quiet and calm: a world the storm couldn't reach

A place of calm and beauty and peace.

"Hey, Sala," said Zee, her voice soft and calm

"Well, he can't leave the pod for two years, can he?" Wena's eyes were calm, but hard, too

But let's try to stay calm." She looked at Sala's mom

The sea was very calm

The sea was calm now

I must be calm and quiet

She needed only to ride out the next few days, and in the relative calm that would follow, she might be able to get on with healing herself.

Until recently, she had rarely used alcohol to calm her nerves - but now it was her cure of first resort

After the shower, the chilled wine further relaxed her body, although it did little to calm her mind and allay her anxiety

She did some deep-breathing exercises, trying to calm herself.

"Please calm down."

For the first time in his experience, the sight of this bottled fleet didn't calm him.

So when my sister-in-law phoned at two in the morning, asking me to come over, but first to warn the police that she had just killed my brother, I spoke in my usual calm manner.

Helene was so calm during the investigation that the doctors finally decided she was mad (something I had for a long time thought the only possible solution), so there was no trial

Only once was Helene's behaviour so wild and uncontrollable that the doctor had to give her a powerful drug to calm her down

She had answered very few, always in a calm quiet voice

I had to calm myself before I knocked slowly three times

'There is one good thing,' I said, to calm her fears

By Byfleet station we came out from the trees and found the country calm and peaceful in the morning sunlight

'You must stay calm

And in the sky above them, the dawn was growing brighter - clear and calm.

Every moment I expected a hidden gun to fire at it, but the evening calm was unbroken