How to use "casino" in a sentence


So he found a casino

A real casino, one of the best in the city

But he picked the wrong casino.

He picked my casino.

Some people say that the reason his casino is called Shark Pool is because Hank looks a little like a shark

But maybe there is another reason for the name of the casino.

It is night time, and around the roof of the thirty-floor casino and hotel, the city of Las Vegas is alive with colour

Do you understand that, Jimmy? Do you know how many kids like you come into my casino? No? Hundreds, thousands

They all think they can cheat and beat the casino."

Hank slaps him again, "No, Jimmy, but cheating in my casino is!"

"Idiot! I always take the aces out of the pack and make sure that I get the kings," he says, and he goes back into his casino to play another game

He had plowed some of his substantial earnings into Las Vegas real estate, parts of two hotels, an automobile dealership, and a slot-machine casino downtown

That was the term by which casino employees still referred to local, elderly women whose social lives revolved around an obsessive interest in one-armed bandits, even though the nickel machines were pretty much ancient history

She believed in death and taxes, in the inevitability of slot-machine jackpots, in all-you-can-eat casino buffets for $5.95 per person, in the Lord God Almighty, in the truth of alien abductions and Big Foot, but she didn't believe in ghosts.

At least two or three thousand people were in the casino, which was larger than a football field

On the left, slot machines ran the entire length of the casino, bank after nerve-jangling bank of them, brightly and colorfully lighted, attended by gamblers who were more vocal than the card players but not as loud as the craps shooters

And everywhere in the gigantic casino, there were cocktail waitresses in brief costumes, revealing long legs and cleavage; they bustled here and there, back and forth, as if they were the threads that bound the crowd together.

She waited impatiently as the five minutes crawled by; she was never comfortable in a casino when it was busy

To reach the escalators that would carry them down to the shopping arcade on the lower level, they had to cross the entire casino

When at last they reached the end of the casino and were on the escalators, heading down toward the shopping arcade, Tina said, "What is blackjack blackout?"

That's why there aren't any windows or clocks in the casino

Crowds surged past the souvenir shops, art galleries, jewelry stores, clothing stores, and other retail businesses, but they were neither shoulder-to-shoulder nor as insistent as they were upstairs in the casino.

Heart attacks are more frequent around the slot machines than anywhere else in the casino, and a lot of the victims are people who've just lined up three bars and won a bundle.

When I saw you walk into the casino a while ago, I knew I was right

She had tried to encourage him to seek advances in his own career - from dealer to floor man to pit boss to higher casino management - but he had no interest in climbing that ladder

She walked back through the shopping arcade, rode the escalator up to the casino, and made her way through the noisy crowd to the front doors

"The casino bosses will like it too, 'cause a lot of our high rollers will probably make an extra trip this year

The number was 1001012, identified as the access for "Comps," which meant "complimentary guests," a euphemism for "big losers," who were never asked to pay their room charges or restaurant bills because they routinely dropped small fortunes in the casino.

Crowds streamed along the sidewalks, on their way from this casino to that casino, from one lounge to another, from one show to the next.

Regulations on banks and real estate agents and on everyone else - except casino owners - are less troublesome here than in other states, which takes a burden off everybody, but which is especially attractive to people trying to spend and invest dirty cash

Michael used a jar full of peanuts to represent casino chips, and Danny won every nut in the jar."

Willis Bruckster studied his keno ticket, carefully comparing it to the winning numbers beginning to flash onto the electronic board that hung from the casino ceiling

He didn't want to attract the attention of the omnipresent casino security men, and the easiest way to escape their notice was to appear to be the least threatening hick in the huge room

If he made a clean hit here, in the crowded casino, he would be assured of a promotion.

Bruckster stood at the head of the escalator that led from the lower shopping arcade to the casino level of Bally's Hotel

Bruckster fell in beside and slightly behind his target as they pressed through the teeming mob that jammed the enormous casino

Although Reno didn't jump all night with quite the same energy as Las Vegas, and although many tourists had gone to bed, the casino at Harrah's was still relatively busy

At the request of its casino manager, every hotel held a handful of rooms off the market, just in case a few regular customers - high rollers, of course - showed up by surprise, with no advance notice, but with fat bankrolls and no place to stay