How to use "cast" in a sentence


But their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition

The Lido was one of those incredibly lavish productions that could be seen nowhere in the world but Vegas, for it was only in Las Vegas that a multimillion-dollar show could be staged year after year with little concern for profit; such vast sums were spent on the elaborate sets and costumes, and on the enormous cast and crew, that the hotel was usually happy if the production merely broke even from ticket and drink sales

Then at one o'clock, the entire cast and the crew would assemble for the final dress rehearsal.

At the end, the cast and crew gathered onstage and applauded themselves, hugged and kissed one another

When the stage lights were periodically dimmed, a score of revolving crystal ballroom chandeliers cast swirling splinters of color that seemed to coalesce into supernatural forms that capered under the proscenium arch

The cast of Magyck! Took several bows, then the crew, then the orchestra, all of them flushed with the excitement of being part of an unqualified hit

Tina mingled, moving back and forth, upstage and downstage, through the crowd, thanking everyone for his contribution to the show's success, complimenting each member of the cast and crew on his dedication and professionalism

Above the lights that cast a frosty glow on the airport parking lot, the heavily shrouded sky was moonless, starless, perfectly black

Although he was struggling to cast off the seizure of claustrophobia that had gripped him, was trying to pretend that the organic-looking ceiling wasn't pressing low over his head and that only open sky hung above him instead of thousands of tons of concrete and steel rock, his own panic attack concerned him less than what was happening beyond the viewport.

The chandelier began to swing in a lazy circle, and the dangling crystals cast prismatic patterns of light on the walls.

As the windshield wipers cast the snow aside, Tina leaned forward, squinting along the headlight beams