How to use "chalkboard" in a sentence


It was an easel on one side and a chalkboard on the other

But now it lay at an angle, the base against the wall, the easel itself slanted, chalkboard-down, across a game table

When she picked up the scattered sticks of chalk and the felt eraser, turning again to the chalkboard, she realized that two words were crudely printed on the black surface:

Belatedly, as she pressed her fingertips to the words on the chalkboard, the possible meaning of them struck her

In one of her terrible seizures of grief, in a moment of crazy dark despair, had she come into this room and unknowingly printed those words on Danny's chalkboard?

Shivering, she thoroughly erased the words on the chalkboard, retrieved her handgun, and left the room, pulling the door shut behind her.

In bed, again she snuggled in the covers and closed her eyes and tried not to think about the chalkboard

But in her mind's eye, the seven letters reappeared on the chalkboard: NOT DEAD

When she went into Danny's bedroom, she saw at once that the easel-chalkboard had been knocked over again

Someone had come into the house while she was out and had printed those two words on the chalkboard again

But even if Vivienne had kept her scheduled appointment, she never would have written those words on the chalkboard

She stared at the chalkboard, thought of the two words that had been printed there, and anger swelled in her

She kept thinking of the chalkboard.

She remembered the two words that she had twice erased from Danny's chalkboard - NOT DEAD - and she realized that she'd forgotten to call Michael

And if Michael had slipped into the house like a little boy playing a cruel prank, if he had written that message on the chalkboard, then his hatred of her was far greater than she had thought

The easel lay on the carpet, the chalkboard facing down.

She stopped at the easel, set it up as it belonged, hesitated, then turned the chalkboard toward her.

Remembering the two words on the chalkboard, she said, "Three times in the past week."

But if Michael hadn't torn up Danny's room, if Michael hadn't written those words on the chalkboard, then who had?

And why would a first-rate burglar leave without taking anything? Why break in merely to write on Danny's chalkboard and to wreck the dead boy's things?

Yet the taunting words on the chalkboard and the destruction in the bedroom seemed to be the work of someone who felt that she should be held accountable for the accident

She told him about the bizarre things that had been happening to her lately: the messages on Danny's chalkboard; the wreckage she'd found in the boy's room; the hateful, taunting words that appeared in the computer lists and on the monitor.

maybe I wrote those words on the chalkboard

"So you think you're - what, sleepwalking? In your sleep, you're writing a rejection of Danny's death on his chalkboard?"

Besides, if it was you who wrote on the chalkboard and smashed things in the boy's room, then it was also you who came in here during the night and programmed the hotel computer to spew out that stuff about Danny

She thought of the words on the chalkboard and on the computer printout: Not dead, not dead, not dead...

"Is that who's been in Danny's room? Did someone from Project Pandora write on the chalkboard..

Danny was the one who wrote those words on the chalkboard