How to use "checking" in a sentence


'I hope it will be a fine day tomorrow,' Mary had told Mrs Prater the morning before, 'as I want to go to the Lord Mayor's Show.' At 10.45 on Friday morning Mary's landlord, John McCarthy, was checking his accounts in his shop at 27 Dorset Street

Cosette, checking that no one was watching, reached out and picked up the doll

He spent the next two nights walking around the garden, checking the gate, listening for noises, but nothing unusual happened.

We've been checking him as far as possible, too."

She set off along the busy walkway, checking her ultranet connection as she went

Fuming, Tina went through the house, meticulously checking every window and door

Tina finished checking the carpenter's bill and approved it for payment.

No one was following them, but he kept checking.

We've got men checking every hotel and motel-"

Meanwhile, we're checking out Stryker's associates in his law firm, his friends, the woman's friends, anyone with whom they might have taken refuge."

"Have you been checking small craft leaving the airport?" Kennebeck asked.

Elliot said, "Don't bother checking the air-conditioning

After checking the sky for Martians, we hurried quickly to the house on Putney Hill where he had his hiding-place.