How to use "cloth" in a sentence


'Look, I have a piece of cloth from the dead man's coat as proof.'

He produced a muddy piece of cloth and showed it to Marius, who immediately went pale and rose unsteadily to his feet

Thenardier stared at the coat and the cloth in his hands, speechless with fear

I try to remember the image, and I see that there is a piece of cloth in her mouth so that she cannot speak and that she is tied to a large grey stone by thick white ropes.

"I'm sorry, dear," the old woman says, and Sarah sees that the woman's cloth bag is touching her arm

The water went all over the cloth and ran down on to my skirt

There was a special table and a snow-white cloth to cover it

The small table was put near the fire and covered with the white cloth

In letters that were supposed to look as if they had been formed from rotting shroud cloth, the artist had emblazoned the title across the top of the first page, above a somber, well-detailed scene of a rain-swept graveyard

It was the brown velvet cloth I had seen on a table in my brother's laboratory.

Andre had his head and shoulders covered by the brown velvet cloth from the table.

His head and shoulders still covered with the velvet cloth, Andre stepped carefully out of the booth.

As he fell, the velvet cloth slowly dropped off his head and shoulders.

I watched him kneel down, wrap a cloth round his head, and lie down flat on the floor.

I remember the dinner table that evening very clearly even now: my dear wife's sweet, worried face looking at me from under the pink lamp-shade, the white cloth laid with silver and glass, the glass of red wine in my hand