How to use "cold" in a sentence


There is only silence, darkness and cold.

It's a clear night and it's very cold.

Now that I've stopped chipping I feel cold

Most of my body feels warmer, but I'm still shaking because my head and neck are cold

It is only when they disappear and the cold and pain return that I know they are not

It is usually something cold and sweet like apple juice or ice tea

Then I feel the cold and the pain of the rope against my legs

11.00 pm The canyon feels as cold as ice

Now, even with the cold, pain, tiredness and thirst, I am sure I will survive.

Some sailors said that they saw a dangerous giant monster living in the cold waters of the ocean

Its force knocked me right out of the ship into the dark cold ocean.

It was very cold and I tried hard to get to the top and breathe

He was cold and white

At times he could be cold and serious

Alice and the birds and animals felt cold and wet

It gets so cold at night!'

So she walked around the wet, cold streets hoping to earn something

Outside, it was growing dark and a cold wind was blowing from the mountains in the east

He knocked on the doors of people's houses, but news of his arrival had quickly spread and nobody would offer him shelter from the cold

He shook his fist at the church and then, cold and hungry, he lay down on a stone bench by the doorway.

'On this bench, in this cold wind?'

She sat on her bed, cold and shivering, and looked at the two coins shining on the table

One evening, Madame Thenardier ordered Cosette out into the cold to fetch water

She was cold and hungry as she dragged the bucket behind her along the crowded street, but she could not resist stopping in front of one of the stalls

One cold but sunny afternoon in February, Marius was walking along the street when two young girls dressed in rags ran into him

She looked cold and ill, and when she spoke, Marius saw that she had lost several of her teeth

Approaching him, she rested a cold red hand on his shoulder and said, 'You never notice me, M

He could not speak, and Cosette felt his hand grow cold.

That makes you a murderer, a cold-hearted killer

It was cold and damp, but a fire had been lit and two armchairs had been placed in front of it

One evening he discovered there were no chairs in the room at all - he and Cosette had to stand in the cold for their whole meeting

'Your hands are so cold,' she said

Little Red Riding Hood, hearing the big voice of the wolf, was at first afraid; but believing her grandmother had a cold and was hoarse, answered, "It is your grandchild Little Red Riding Hood, who has brought you a cake and a little pot of butter mother sends you."

I am on the ground lying on cold grass which is wet from the fog, and I am alone.

"Catherine," I say quietly into the fog, and the sound of my voice seems strange and cold.

He thinks that with her clothes and her coat on she will be too heavy and that the cold grey water of the loch will pull her down

She's only going to be one minute!" he shouts, and the attendant stops and gives him a long, hard look with his cold, blue eyes.

Then he falls from the boat, and the ice-cold water takes the words and the air from his mouth

"Don't you dare call me that," she says in a tone as cold as the water

The interview room is cold, the lights weak and grey, but he offers the woman a seat and hopes that this will be quick.

His skin is pale and his eyes cold

His cold dead eyes accuse me."

"I know, Detective, because I am that driver." Then there is only the sound of her crying to fill the cold interview room, and Branwell sits down again and picks up his pen and notepad

The man's dark hair is wet from the rain outside, his skin pale and his eyes cold and dead

It is a cold smile, but Branwell sees that the man's eyes look a little more alive now

Gerry pushes open the door of the small Australian pub and steps onto the terrace with a pint of cold beer in his hand

But he laughs and takes a long drink of the cold beer

It feels like ice-cold water.

The next moment you are awake, a horrible sensation filling your body, and you are sure that ice-cold water is covering you.

No, it is not ice-cold water: it is fear.

And your heart slows, and the sensation of ice-cold fear begins to leave you.

Don't move! Part of you says, the part that feels the sensation of cold water on your skin again.

But there is another part of you now, and it is not cold with fear: it is hot

How long ago was his last visit to this cold stone building? More than twenty years? Well, that is not important at the moment

The same cold grey walls, the same uncomfortable heavy pews and the same weak candles to light up the dark room.

and it is so cold

Their cabin by the lake was cold and empty, and there were no jobs for him anywhere.

In Canada, in the mountains, when you are cold you are okay, but when you are warm, you are in trouble.

Junior does not like sports, he does not run, and the last time he came to the forest with Owen, he said that he was too cold and that the forest was boring.

And yes, the last time they came to the forest, it was a bit cold, and they had nothing to do.

He always wears a grey suit, he always walks in a slow manner, and his eyes are always cold and dark.

And when she hears the topic that they are talking about, she suddenly feels cold.

She feels a cold shiver move over her body, and suddenly she thinks that she feels a little ill.

Sala looked out at the view: nothing but black and silver tower blocks against the cold gray sky

Sala splashed some cold water on her face to wake herself up, and then hurried to the simulator center

It was cold.

Trembling from the cold, and from the shock, and from unhappiness

It was cold.

'You are wrong, I could never forget you,' said de Winter in a cold, hard voice.

I felt cold and a little afraid.

The sun was setting now and the air was cold and clear.

The waiter brought me tea that was nearly cold

I washed my face with cold water and came out of the bathroom at once

'You haven't got a cold, have you?' said Mrs Van Hopper when she saw my face.

The hand she placed in mine was cold and heavy, like something dead.

The woman began to speak in a cold, lifeless voice

The room was cold

It's rather cold in there.'

'My dear, the water is always far too cold here,' said Beatrice.

It was cold now and my legs ached

The weather was wet and cold for over a week

It looked cold and grey

I felt cold and frightened.

It was cold and smelt of the flowers in the Happy Valley.

When Maxim answered, his voice was cold and hard

His eyes were cold and hard, not the eyes of the man I knew and loved

It was cold now, but I drank it

And all the time, the real Mrs de Winter, with her smile and her lovely face is lying cold and dead in the church.'

I opened the windows to let in the cold, clean air

The early morning was very cold

She took a deep breath and went into the market, where the air was so cold that it pierced her bones, and where the harsh fluorescent lighting was too bright and too bleak to encourage fantasies.

The intense cold had caused the wood to contract and warp

Although Vivienne could see where the noise originated, she couldn't locate any source for the bitterly cold air

It didn't begin to melt; the room was cold.

"I've decided to go cold turkey."

Shortly before midnight, Danny's room began to grow cold

She drank a glass of cold water.

Some dealers were cold and uncommunicative, but Michael felt the day went faster when he was friendly with people

Standing before her in the sunshine, his white shirt shimmering with squiggles of reflected light that bounced off the parked cars, he favored her with that self-satisfied, superior smile that made her feel as cold as this winter day ought to have been.

She stared at what the computer had printed, and fear welled in her - dark, cold, oily fear.

Reaching toward her with a hand that would be cold and damp

But how could he possibly make the air grow so cold so fast?

Tina was still tense, but she no longer felt cold inside.

so cold..."

Her hand was cold, but her grip was firm.

Neither one of us has a coat, and it's damn cold in Reno at this time of year."

A sharp, cold draft prickled the back of her neck.

It made my blood run cold

In the cold air, white clouds of exhaust vapor swirled around his legs.

The air inside the car was bitterly cold and growing colder by the second.

Elliot said, "Why does it get cold every time he uses his..

Fluorescent tubes shed cold light over banks of computers and over worktables laden with journals, charts, file folders, scientific instruments, and two coffee mugs.

"As there always is during these cold snaps," Dombey said

"If it stays cold in there for long, we'll have to suit up, go in, and move him to another chamber," Zachariah said.

The cold spell won't last." He squinted into the smaller room, where the boy lay motionless on a hospital bed, under a white sheet and yellow blanket, trailing monitor wires

It skimmed crystals of snow off the ground and spun the stinging cold flecks at their reddened faces.

His fingers were stiff from the cold

When they were nearly halfway across the graveyard, when Elliot was positive they weren't being pursued, he stopped, leaned against a tall monument, and tried not to take such huge, deep gulps of the painfully cold air

His targets had always been spies, traitors; more than a few of them had been cold-blooded killers themselves

Her fingers ached with the cold

Tina got up from the bed, massaging her cold right hand

"The cold comes from the..

The engine's cold

The air grew cold.

Just as she was beginning to despair, the air began to turn cold again

At the far end a window filled the center of the other short wall and apparently offered a view of a cold-storage vault; it was white with frost

It's like strep throat or the common cold or like cancer, because you can get it again and again..

Tina, Elliot, and Danny went through the vestibule and stepped into the cold night

His skin was cold

'But I touched the body and it was cold,' I said.

What you have to look for is a man with a bad cold.'

'Well, our servant, Mary, has a bad cold

I suddenly felt very cold

To make myself feel better I took a cold bath in the afternoon.

The fires had died down now, but the ruins of broken and burnt-out houses and blackened trees were clear in the cold light of the dawn

They were beginning to feel very hungry and the night was cold

We sat in the kitchen in the dark and had a meal of cold food, and just before midnight there was a blinding flash of green light followed by the loudest bang I have ever heard

They talk and grow angry, paler, uglier, and I wake, cold and shaking, in the darkness.

For lunch, we can take biscuits, cold meat, and fruit - but no cheese

We were very cold

We had planned to go swimming, but the water looked so cold and wet.

It was very cold and I decided not to go in

When I got back to the boat, I was very cold

I was cold and furious

We had cold meat for lunch.

We ate our cold meat in silence

Montmorency is a courageous dog, but the cold eyes of that cat terrified him

We were really tired of cold meat

Harris gave his cold meat to Montmorency

George said, 'Please don't talk about good food, until I finish this cold meat.'

After ten days of eating cold meat, we were thankful for this supper

At Limmeridge, he was always friendly, but when he saw me yesterday he was cold

Up on the roof, I was cold and wet

'Say what you've come to say and then leave,' she said in a cold, aggressive voice.

Don Diego smiles and says, "I am going home, but I am cold and wet