How to use "comfortable" in a sentence


But I'm not comfortable for long

This is the time I am most comfortable

Their clothes looked thin and comfortable.

We have wonderful food, and your rooms are very comfortable."

He had woken because the bed was too comfortable; he had not slept in a proper bed for twenty years

You pull the covers down to your chest and make yourself comfortable again

So he tries to make himself comfortable on the small chair

The poor old woman must not feel too comfortable next to the noisy kids, but Sarah knows that they are okay: she can spot the bad kids from a mile away.

Feeling warm and comfortable and sleepy, she thought of Cham, holding her in the Real Space

The library was a large comfortable room

'I think you will be very comfortable there.'

I'm sure I shall be comfortable here.'

'And I'm sure we'll be very comfortable in these rooms.'

He was comfortable, the master of his house

'I prefer to be comfortable.'

I'll be cool and comfortable

He made her feel comfortable, yet at the same time, he intrigued her

She waited impatiently as the five minutes crawled by; she was never comfortable in a casino when it was busy

Tina's office was large, paneled in whitewashed pine, with comfortable contemporary upholstery

I'd rather be a comfortable, upstanding, boring citizen than a fugitive."

She wanted to be enjoying an ordinary meal, on an ordinary evening, in the middle of a blissfully ordinary life, with every reason to expect a long, comfortable, ordinary future

He went back to the computers, with which he felt comfortable and safe.

When I had last seen this part of Sheen, it had been a street of comfortable white and red houses

I walked into the house and found no one, but upstairs I found a comfortable room, and on the mantelpiece stood a full-length photograph of my wife

It will be like a little house, warm and comfortable.'

I wasn't comfortable in the boat