How to use "confusion" in a sentence


Champmathieu went home in a state of total confusion, thinking all men mad and understanding nothing of what had happened.

He stared into Valjean's eyes for a long time, then, stepping back with a look of confusion in his eyes, asked dreamily, 'What are you doing here? Who is this man?'

It was the only way he knew to escape the confusion that was poisoning his heart.

Finally, in a state of shock and confusion, the young man said, 'Why have you told me all this? No one forced you to.'

"Hello?" says a voice, and Barry wakes up and looks around in confusion and fear

The cop falls too, and there is a moment of confusion, but then Dan pushes himself up onto his feet and runs

Now, for the judge's benefit, and to explain why an exhumation had suddenly become such a vital matter, Elliot exaggerated the anguish and confusion that Tina had undergone as a direct consequence of never having seen the body of her child.

He wheeled around another corner, and then another, trying to disappear from the men in the van long enough to leave them with so many choices of streets to follow that they would have to give up the chase in confusion

She blinked in confusion, then glanced down at the route that she had marked on the map

He prefers noise and confusion