How to use "control" in a sentence


"Resolved: that the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the States, and especially the right of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of power on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depend, and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed force of the soil of any State or Territory, no matter under what pretext, as among the gravest of crimes."

To those new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny

Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms - and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the absolute control of all nations.

Unable to control himself, he beat his fists against the walls of the house.

"Now!" says Robin, and Little John presses the control on the air conditioning

Clive nods and pushes a button on a control panel next to the pool

Gran had a chip buried under her skin like everyone else, but she wore a bracelet to hide it as a small way of protesting about the government's tight control over everyone.

"I suppose it seems to me like losing control," she said.

And we don't like it when the government develops new kinds of control."

"And that's our control center

They control us

If they can't surprise you, it's harder for them to control you.

If she was ever to stop dreaming about the boy, if she were to get control of her grief, she must begin her recovery here, in this room, by conquering her irrational need to preserve his possessions in situ.

But she wasn't completely in control of herself; she felt a bit like a sleepwalker

In a few minutes, she got control of herself

She had gotten out of the car and had located the control button on the garage wall.

She wanted to see what would happen next if no one interfered with the presence that had taken control of the jukebox

He can't send 'concise mental messages' because he doesn't have that much power or control

Eventually Harry realized that the extreme left and the extreme right shared the same two basic goals: They wanted to make society more orderly than it naturally was, and they wanted to centralize control of the population in a strong government

Risky as it might be to express doubt to any colleague on the project, Dombey could not control himself: "Clean? This whole thing was never clean

Jolted by the blowout, the car careened out of control

George had been directly responsible for the expenditure of tens of millions of dollars and, eventually, for the control of hundreds of agents in a dozen countries

But it feels so weird when he takes control..

Two uniformed men were anxiously fiddling with the control consoles beneath a series of twenty wall-mounted video displays

Danny seemed able to work miracles with inanimate objects, but he could not control people, like the guard upstairs, whom Elliot had been forced to shoot

She couldn't control herself any longer, so she allowed her own tears to come, rivers of tears, a flood

He just went right off the rails," Dombey said, obviously embarrassed that one of his colleagues would lose control of himself under those circumstances

"Can't control the damn thing

It was only after the accident that I discovered he had put a second set of the control switches inside the disintegration booth, so that he could use himself as the object of the experiment.

He pointed to the control switch as he went past, and I watched him stop in front of that terrible instrument.

But I felt worried because I now knew that Anne Protheroe was the kind of woman who would stop at nothing when her emotions took control

With great confidence, people travelled around this world and believed that they were in control of their lives

He learned that they were not just a few small crawling creatures, but that they could control enormous mechanical bodies

By ten o'clock the police were finding it hard to keep control.

He had no self-control at all and sometimes cried for hours at a time

In the end I moved between him and the food and told him that I was going to take control.

All over the world, feminists fought to change family laws that gave husbands control over their wives