How to use "cook" in a sentence


There was a cook by the fire and there was food on the table

Suddenly, the cook threw a plate at the Duchess

The cook threw more things - plates, cups, spoons

The cook sang the song too

The cook threw another plate at the Duchess

'Perhaps when the cook isn't there, she's nice

It was the Duchess's cook.

The cook didn't answer.

'No!' said the cook.

'Fish,' said the cook.

One day, the cook was ill, and somebody said, 'Gump, you're going to be the cook today.'

'What am I going to cook?' I said

'How do I cook?'

'Just put everything that you see in the food cupboard into a big pot and cook it.'

'What am I going to cook it in?' I asked one of the men.

You can't cook anything in that.'

The innkeeper, who was also the cook, was busy with his pots and pans, preparing a meal for a group of travellers who were laughing and joking in the next room.

"Then you should see me cook."

"You cook?"

As he dried his hands on the towel, he said, "Why don't we forget about going out to dinner? Let me cook for you instead."

"That's because I'm a better cook than attorney

"How do you cook it?"

"Well, if you cook it very funny, I don't know if I want to eat it."

"If I did cook crow," he said, "it would be delicious

"A cook doesn't have to be graceful to be a good cook."

"You really can cook."

"I'll cook for you again."

"You can cook."

"A great cook but a lousy pilot," she said.

I'm a good cook, but I'm not a hypnotist."

'Don't you think it would be a good idea if Mary was taught how to cook?'

If she learned to cook, she would leave to get more money

So while Mary can't cook we're safe, because nobody else would want her

We put up our tent and cook a simple, healthy meal

We thought they were some sort of Red Indian food, and, to cook them correctly, it was necessary to do special dances with magic words.

The cook's narrative

I am the cook at Count Fosco's house in London

They learned things they needed for family life, like how to cook.

When she came back five years later, at twenty years old, she could speak good French and knew how to cook, but she also knew chemistry.