How to use "correct" in a sentence


In the end, she guessed the correct answer and sent the information to Brion.

How could she find the correct license-plate number?

I'll call Officer Crider and give him the correct number.'

Finally, they had the correct number

"You know, I think you're all correct

The Cessna hit an air pocket, dropped three hundred feet with a sickening lurch, and then soared to its correct altitude.

"What the devil is wrong with the engineers? Why can't they correct the problem?"

I do some comedy lines in the act, and I use the recorder to develop new material, correct problems with my timing."

It must be, if scientific thinking is correct, older than our world, and life on its surface began a long time before this Earth cooled down

'Now we can do nothing except wait for Mr Munro to call us, and then we will see if my theory is correct.'

We saw the cover moving violently, but we thought this was the correct method.