How to use "course" in a sentence


'Of course,' said Leona

Of course, I didn't tell my mother that.

"Why, of course."

"Of course."

Of course I don't like cats!'

'Of course,' the Dodo answered

'Of course you are,' the Cat said

'Unimportant - of course,' said the King

Of course, the first thing that I wanted to do when I got back to America was find Jenny

But me? I was thinking of Jenny, of course

'Of course,' said Jenny, and she called to him

The course here indicated will be followed unless current events and experience shall show a modification or change to be proper, and in every case and exigency my best discretion will be exercised according to circumstances actually existing, and with a view and a hope of a peaceful solution of the national troubles and the restoration of fraternal sympathies and affections.

Then a statement, somewhat in detail, of a course to be pursued, seemed fitting and proper

But, in the event that the Congress shall fail to take one of these two courses, in the event that the national emergency is still critical, I shall not evade the clear course of duty that will then confront me

But neither can two great and powerful groups of nations take comfort from our present course - both sides overburdened by the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war.

In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course

'But of course I can do that for him,'

'Of course.' The innkeeper turned to look at him

'Of course,' said the bishop

You will, of course, dismiss me from my job, as I've shown that I don't deserve your trust.'

Of course, he denies everything, but that's not surprising

'Of course!' she cried with joy

She clapped her hands and cried, 'We've been looking for that everywhere! How did you know they were mine? Of course, the handwriting

'Of course I'm sure

'Of course,' she answered in a low voice

'But of course,' the old man laughed.

'What do you mean - of course?'

No, Emily, of course you're more important than them, but

"Of course," Sylvia says, and she stands up, which makes the boat rock

"No, of course not

of course it will be murder..

"Of course lad, but I need to show you how first."

"No, of course not," Sarah says and smiles

"Of course," called Gran

"And swimming with dolphins is wonderful - although this isn't quite the real thing, of course."

Or will we only ever see the world virtually? Of course, the virtual world was interesting

"No! No, of course not." He paused

"Of course," said Sala

But of course it can't have come in from outside..

Of course, Gran was right

It was a bit smaller than Sala's, with no windows - and no garden either, of course

"The city, of course!"

Apart from the virtual world, of course..

Sala had seen it before, of course, from a distance - but she'd never been so close to it.

"Yes, of course."

And of course I'll wait."

"Of course not

"Of course

"Of course

Of course, Sala realized: this wasn't Cham

"Of course you do, my love," said Gran, a little absently

"Of course," said Gran

Of course, they would have seen that Cham had changed! And they'd permit him to leave the pod at once if they thought it was damaging him.

"Of course you miss him

"Of course they won't," said Mom

She was not silent for long, of course

She was clever too, and always beautifully dressed, of course

He knew who I was looking for, of course.

'Of course,' I said

He had loved Rebecca, of course

Max de Winter is very attractive, of course

'Of course,' she said, 'you know why he is marrying you, don't you? He's not in love with you

And Madam too, of course.'

When the late Mrs de Winter was alive, there were lots of parties and visitors, of course

'She may not like me at first, of course.'

Would it be eaten or thrown away? I would never know of course

'She invited herself, of course

'Of course not,' I said

Of course, I can give orders for the fire in the library to be lit.'

'The house is beautiful, of course

But of course, you know the whole story.'

'She's very jealous, of course

It was too big, of course, and too long

Of course, she was a clever person.'

'Yes, of course I will.'

No one except Robert has been in the room, apart from Madam, of course

'No, of course not, Ben,' I said.

She was talking about me of course

People come to tea sometimes, of course.'

Yes, of course

They all stayed to tea, of course

'Yes, of course,' said a man, 'we all missed your wedding

'Of course,' Maxim said

'Of course I knew at once that it was a mistake,' Beatrice said

That shows you he's not forgotten her, doesn't it? Of course Mr de Winter was jealous

'She was clever of course,' Maxim went on

'Oh yes, of course,' said Frank

'No, of course not.'

'This news is a shock to you, of course?'

'Of course it is a shock

'Yes, of course,' I said

'Of course,' said Maxim

'No, of course not,' said Colonel Julyan

'Of course not,' said Maxim

'Yes, of course,' Maxim said

'Yes, of course,' said the woman

'Of course,' said the doctor

'Rebecca gave the wrong name, of course,' he said

'You're all right, of course, Max

'Of course he knows,' Maxim said

'Favell phoned her, of course

Of course, if she and Michael were in bed right this minute, it wouldn't be like that at all

Of course, if the production was a flop, if it failed to please the audience, she might be back working the small lounges again, on her way down

Danny, of course, had been writing about something else, and the dark interpretation that could be drawn from those two words now, after his death, was just a macabre coincidence.

Of course no amount of amusing talk, no quantity of icy Dom PS 233;rignon could render her unaware of the excitement that was building in the showroom as curtain time drew near

Except, of course, that the boy who had once slept here had been dead for a year

Not every week, of course

"Of course."

"The guy sits down to play cards and gets so involved he loses track of time, which is, of course, exactly what the management wants him to do

Of course not

Of course, we'll wait a year or so

He was trying desperately to deflect her and change the course of the argument

"Oh, of course," Tina said

Of course

"Of course," he said, "exhumation of the body won't answer the main question

In the course of preparing the exhumation request for the authorities, I discovered that my client's reaction was typical

Elliot Stryker lived in a large, pleasant, contemporary house overlooking the golf course at the Las Vegas Country Club

"With me, of course, it's only been little more than a year since I've been alone

Of course, during the first of those two years, she'd still been married to Michael and had felt compelled to remain faithful to him, even though a separation and then a divorce had been in the works, and even though he had not felt constrained by any similar moral sense

The route to the entrance foyer was an obstacle course.

With more than a million full-time residents, with more than twenty million tourists a year, and with a vast desert on which to sprawl, Vegas offered thousands of dark, quiet corners where two people on the run could safely stop to catch their breath and settle upon a course of action.

They're wrong, of course

Left-wingers and right-wingers differed about certain details, of course, but their only major point of contention centered on the identity of those who would be permitted to be a part of the privileged ruling class, once the power had been sufficiently centralized.

"Even if I were in charge of making policy," Zachariah said, "I'd take the same course Dr

At the request of its casino manager, every hotel held a handful of rooms off the market, just in case a few regular customers - high rollers, of course - showed up by surprise, with no advance notice, but with fat bankrolls and no place to stay

"Hypnosis! Of course! That'll probably do the trick."

"Of course he is," Dombey said

Of course, when that was accomplished, Danny was of no more scientific value

"Of course," Dombey said

For as long as he could remember, he had been fascinated with death, with the mechanics and the meaning of it, and he had longed to know what it was like on the other side - without, of course, wishing to commit himself to a one-way journey there

Of course I asked him to look carefully at the locked room, but we didn't find anything important.'

Of course the group wanted to get the papers back

'Though of course my brother could have entered the factory through the laboratory

This of course was considered proof that she was mad

'Yes, of course

Of course I never thought that he would try an experiment with a human being, not then anyway

You can, of course, guess the rest

'No, of course not

'Of course.'

'Of course, if this were a book, the old man would die - and no one would be sorry.'

'Of course

'Oh, of course, there's a reason!' said Miss Marple

'I didn't like him, of course

'The shot that killed old Protheroe? No, of course I didn't

'There is the note, of course,' said Miss Marple.

I hoped no one would see me, but of course, Miss Marple was in her garden! She stopped me and I explained I was going to meet my husband

'You've examined the note for fingerprints, of course,' said Melchett.

'Of course

'Of course.'

'Of course, you were upset,' said Melchett, trying not to smile.

You know, of course, that he has had sleeping sickness?'

'But, of course, she can't have telephoned Mrs Price Ridley and shot Colonel Protheroe at exactly the same time,' he continued

'Oh! Of course

Well, of course, there must have been a shot, because the gentleman was found shot - but she had not heard it.

'Of course, Mr Clement.'

And of course he did talk very loud.'

'Of course,' said Lawrence, 'She couldn't avoid overhearing

'Of course.'

'The suitcase, of course!' said Miss Marple

'We must go, of course,' said Griselda

Of course, it would be better to telephone

And of course, as you say, then Dr Stone would have no reason to murder Colonel Protheroe.'

Of course, I don't know if he had made any actual arrangements, but if he had...'

'Of course, when the expert saw the silver, he would know it wasn't the real thing, and then Colonel Protheroe would remember that he had shown the things to Dr Stone...'

'Of course

I thought that, of course, the news they had heard must be the same thing

Miss Wetherby gave a little cry 'The day of the murder, of course!'

I could, of course, choose sewing or drawing, but my hobby is Human Nature

The second possibility is, of course, that he was sitting at the desk writing a note, but it must have been a different note from the one that was found

'Well, the third is, of course, that the room really was empty.'

More than one, of course, is not.'

And, of course, we sent him examples of Protheroe's writing

'Of course,' Miss Marple said

'Of course! That's what he wants you to think! That you know the truth - and that it's best for everyone as it is

'Of course,' said Miss Marple

And, of course, he is not the sort of young man who would marry a woman who has no money

She's been Archer's girlfriend for a long time, and she was alone in the house when it happened! And then, of course, there was Lettice - wanting freedom and money to do as she liked

'And then, of course, there is poor Mr Hawes

Of course, I was always sure it was Mr Hawes, but then..

So perhaps the sneeze that Mrs Price Ridley's servant heard might have been the shot? But anyway, Mrs Protheroe and Mr Redding went into the studio together - and then realized, of course, that I would not leave my garden until I saw them come out again!'

Because someone who had just committed a murder would, of course, try to behave normally

'But of course you are feeling very cheerful.' She paused by the window

Of course the two were quite unable to do anything, so they went back to the town again to get help

Many people had heard of the cylinder, of course, and talked about it, but it did not have as much effect as a political event.

In the middle of all of this, there was Montmorency, of course

He did not want to work, of course.

Of course, we began talking about other illnesses

'Of course

'Of course,' say James and Connie, and for some reason they are both afraid of what is coming.

'Of course she'll sign the document,' said Sir Percival angrily.

He was wrong, of course

"Yes, of course

"Yes, of course