How to use "crawling" in a sentence


Looking down, Marius saw a dark shape crawling along the ground towards him

"You were wrong to think I'd come crawling back

An engineer told me that this was done by a man crawling forwards with a flag on a long pole

He turned, stared, shouted something about 'crawling out in a thing like a dish cover', and moved on to the gate of the next house

At last the soldier was able to move, crawling at first, and he got to Woking

No one in London knew what the Martians looked like, and there was still a fixed idea that they must be slow: 'crawling', 'moving painfully' - words like these were in all the earlier reports

He learned that they were not just a few small crawling creatures, but that they could control enormous mechanical bodies

He did not answer, but as soon as I began eating I heard him crawling towards me.

However, at first I hardly noticed the pit and the cylinder, because of the strange shining machine that I saw working there, and the odd creatures that were crawling slowly and painfully across the earth near it.