How to use "cream" in a sentence


that's so sweet of you!" Taste-pots were great, because they weren't expensive, but gave you the taste of something luxurious like double chocolate ice cream

Two blocks from her house, intending to buy a quart of milk and a loaf of whole-wheat bread, Tina stopped at a twenty-four-hour market and parked in the dry yellow drizzle of a sodium-vapor light, beside a gleaming, cream-colored Chevrolet station wagon

And now here he was sitting in the cream-colored Chevrolet wagon, brought to her by fate and by-

"Let's walk down to the ice-cream parlor and get a couple of pistachio cones

"I don't want any ice cream, Michael."

"No ice cream," she repeated

The ice-cream parlor was at the far end of the arcade

Michael kept up the friendly patter while he got his cone of ice cream

He licked his ice-cream cone, studied her, and then he smiled

When he paused to lick his ice-cream cone, she said, "Michael, that's not the way it's going to be."

Turning away, she left him in the sunshine, with the ice cream melting down the cone and onto his hand.

These days cream seldom rose in the intelligence community - but crap still floated.