How to use "cutting" in a sentence


I tie the tourniquet, take the knife and begin cutting.

For almost one hour the pain, screams, and cutting continue.

Sometimes, that means cutting out something and leaving it in the past

Instead, Mom was busy cutting up Gran's vegetables from the Real Space.

Once she had gotten through the premiere of Magyck! She had better start cutting back on the booze

But now she vented some of the acid that had been eating at her for so long, cutting him off in midsentence.

I had just finished cutting some meat, which was very tough, and said, waving the knife in a way that was not at all appropriate for a vicar, that anyone who murdered Colonel Protheroe would be doing the world a favour.

By midday a cloud of slowly sinking Black Smoke had moved along the Thames, cutting off all escape across the bridges

He got to his feet and saw to the right, less than a hundred metres away, the warship cutting through the water at full speed, throwing enormous waves out on either side.

Harris was cutting a meat pie