How to use "damn" in a sentence


"We made the damn thing work!"

She had done a pretty damn good job of it too.

"You're a damn hard woman to hate."

And I'll be a damn good mother too

"Wait just a damn minute

You know damn well the down payment for the house came out of my earnings

"Maybe the past wasn't so great, but the future seems pretty damn good."

"Somehow, for some reason, they drove the bus more than four miles off the main highway, four miles off and a hell of a long way up, right up to the damn clouds

We had a damn good time

I wouldn't want to have to mix this damn stuff three times."

"So stop being so damn stubborn."

But not in America, damn it.

"Don't be so damn impatient," she muttered.

Something damn strange

"And then there's this damn thing."

"And you know what it reminds me of? It's the same damn feeling I had in Angela's office when that computer terminal started operating on its own

And I want to be damn sure before we try to go public with it

Neither one of us has a coat, and it's damn cold in Reno at this time of year."

Someone else said, "Kick the damn thing."

Those might not be the precise circumstances, but they're pretty damn close to the truth."

I know some pretty damn intelligent people believe in ESP, but I don't

Or maybe he did know and just didn't give a damn about his ex-wife

"Oh, damn, it's Mike Evans

"Oh, I'm damn sure he does

But even if we don't get a beeper on the damn car, we're okay

He didn't have any choice but to commit the installation to it once we found out the damn Chinese were deeply into it

Zachariah said, "Those damn eyes."

But will you tell me one day when you aren't in such a damn rush?"

The plane's so damn small

"We're up against some damn dangerous people

"He's probably abandoned the damn thing."

"Someone, some damn turncoat on Project Pandora, must have revealed enough about its location for them to find it with just a little help

"If that's not good enough for you, I can shut you down the same way I did that damn machine

"You damn fool."

"Can't control the damn thing