How to use "delicious" in a sentence


'A delicious name!'

It was a delicious dinner - Mom had brought home some top-quality meat from the laboratory, and Gran had added some vegetables from her garden

In the health-obsessed final decade of the century, eating fatty foods was widely regarded as a far more delicious - and more damning - sin than envy, sloth, thievery, and adultery.

As long as she remained a dancer, as long as she devoted her life to him, as long as she hung on his arm and looked delicious, he approved of her

"If I did cook crow," he said, "it would be delicious

For a long, long time, they forgot that death existed, and they explored the delicious, silken surfaces of love, and it seemed to them, in those shining hours, that they would both live forever.

The jukebox played a country tune by Garth Brooks, and the music shared the air with the delicious aromas of fried eggs, bacon, and sausages

It was delicious - excellent in every way

We enjoyed our delicious supper