How to use "description" in a sentence


The place was badly-lit, but one man, Joseph Lawende, gave a description of them

On November 12th a labourer named George Hutchinson gave the police a very good description of a man he saw with Mary Kelly at about 2 o'clock on the morning of her murder

But some students of the murders believe that Hutchinson's description is too precise and that he was lying for some reason.

Did he make a false statement and give a false description? Did he have something to hide?

"He matches the girl's description perfectly: dirty brown hair, small dark eyes

"We need a better description, you see

Not like your description at all.'

This, we now know, was a very accurate description

My brother was not worried about us, as he knew from the description in the papers chat the cylinder was three kilometres from my house

I have read, in another description of these events, that on Sunday morning 'all London was panicked by the news from Woking.' In fact, this is simply not true

The description of my own character is brilliant