How to use "die" in a sentence


You are going to die.

Finally, I must accept the truth: I am going to die.

If I don't escape before then, I will die.

My only hope is rescue, but I'll die before help arrives.

Escape has been impossible and I will die before anyone finds me

However, the visions tell me something: I am not ready to die

I could still die at any moment

I know is that one of us will die."

"What does it matter? A man will die

"I think he's crazy and we will die here unless we escape."

Maybe Captain Nemo thought that soon all his men would die, and the Nautilus and his secret would be lost.

I just wanted to die, too.

And part of me seemed to die when I heard it

I believe that a man is the strongest soldier for daring to die unarmed with his breast bare before the enemy

She told me that she knew she was going to die soon

You thought you could kill me for the two thousand pounds of the insurance policy, didn't you? You wanted to kill me with brandy, didn't you? But you wanted me to die quickly

He wrote that he was afraid of becoming like his mother and 'the best thing for me was to die.' His mother was in an asylum for lunatics

'My baby isn't going to die.'

I promise you that if you leave me, I shall die

There was nothing for him to do except die.

He had only one thought in his mind: he wanted to die.

But now we're both going to die, it doesn't matter, does it? I can't be jealous any more

So she still loved him! He thought for a moment that now he must not die, but then he thought, 'She's going away.'

I shall die

Jean Valjean went back into the house and tried to make sense of the words that danced before his eyes: I shall die..

So, the problem was solved! The man who threatened his happiness was going to die - was perhaps already dead.

He was still certain to die, and Valjean's happiness would be safe

'It's your duty not to die,' he told them

Marius went pale at the thought of having to choose which man had to die

Soon, all the rebels were dead, including Enjolras, who was the last to die

I too shall die

'I'm going to die soon.'

'To die is nothing,' he murmured

How sweet it is to die like this

To leave someone on the grey moors to die

"I hope you die and rot in the desert!" she shouted, blood still on her face

And then Brandon heard another gunshot, so he ran and left his brother in the snow to die alone.

And for a while he thought that he would die in the deep dark corner behind the wall

He would most likely die on the stage, in the middle of puzzling out a tricky production problem.

Besides, living in Sacramento, she wouldn't be a nickel duchess any longer; she wouldn't be anyone special; she would be just another elderly lady, living with her daughter's family, playing grandma, marking time, waiting to die.

But maybe Danny didn't die in that accident

The malicious tormentor wanted her to suffer mental anguish and spiritual pain; but he didn't want her to die, because that would spoil his fun.

Maybe there was so much at stake that the security men at the installation decided Jaborski and Lincoln had to die

Otherwise, I'm going to shrivel up and die of curiosity."

If they were killed, the truth would die with them, and the cover-up would continue

Most die in twelve

you'll be attended to in isolation until you die

He didn't want to die; he only wanted to know

He burnt all the papers in the box, and said to me, "John, I know that I'm going to die soon

The police said he killed himself, but I knew he was afraid to die, so I didn't think that was true.'

'When did your uncle get the letter from India, and when did he die?'

'Of course, if this were a book, the old man would die - and no one would be sorry.'

Unless the real murderer is found, I shall be the suspect until I die

She had never been out of England before; she would rather die than be friendless in a foreign country

Life is real again, and the useless and bad ones have to die

They ought to die

They ought to be willing to die

I would die and end it

Perhaps it was the last to die, and its voice had gone on and on until its machinery stopped

I said, 'If I tell you what is wrong with me, you will die before I finish

'What! We'll all die of thirst

In the end, the swans slowly swam away to die.

'But we have decided to stay and die on this boat,' said George

If you die before your aunt Eleanor - Madame Fosco - she'll inherit ten thousand pounds of that money

You must now write a will saying who you wish to leave the other twenty thousand pounds to when you die.'

'If I die, please tell Walter that I loved him!' Then she put her head on my shoulder and burst into tears.

She spoke of how kind Mother had been to her and said that she wanted to die and be buried beside Mother

Anne had said that she wanted to die and to be buried beside Mrs Fairlie

Malala did not die, but she was very badly hurt.

"You are here to die!" says Captain Ramon.