How to use "difference" in a sentence


There is some difference of opinion whether this clause should be enforced by national or by State authority; but surely that difference is not a very material one

What's the difference?'

But it made no difference

What kind of man are you? Are you mad? But it makes no difference

It will make such a difference to his life

The fact that I loved him made no difference

As she listed her blessings, Tina was astonished at how much difference one year could make in a life

Her ability to create a stylish stage show was not a fluke; she had taste and a sharp eye that instantly knew the difference between prettiness and genuine beauty, between cleverness and art

"There's also one big difference

"But that's the only difference between the basic plot of this story and what we're going through

Elliot had suggested a change in the color of ink, so they would be able to tell the difference between the meaningless scribbles that were already on the map and any new marks that might be made.

The only difference I could see was that one was much dirtier than the others.

A final difference seems very unimportant