How to use "dining" in a sentence


Sure, there are one or two bigger than her, but none of them has her romance or her luxury," Mrs Carolina Heath says as they enter the dining room.

The dining room is magnificent

I left the dining-room and went into the library

I went across the hall and into the dining-room once more

I went back into the dining-room and took an apple and some biscuits

The door of the dining-room was open

I met Robert in the dining-room.

Maxim and Frank went on into the dining-room and Colonel Julyan continued to speak to me quietly.

The dining room was deserted.

Turning, he saw a strange man enter the kitchen from the dining room

Bob was already out of the kitchen, in the dining room, running toward the front of the house

Elliot went after him but was slowed by the dining-room chairs, which the fleeing man had overturned in his wake

When she opened the door, he came in fast, almost in a crouch, glancing past her, left and right, toward the living room, then toward the dining area, speaking rapidly, urgently

Billy's dining room was neat too

"I'll get the recorder," Billy said, hurrying out of the dining room.

There was a loud knock on the dining room door

The doctor had just come in and was eating a plate of eggs and bacon in the dining room

We then went into the dining room for lunch, where Lettice joined us.

I went into the dining-room, sat down, and told her the things that I had seen.

He followed me into the dining-room.

I came down and went into the dining-room

The dining-room was long with windows overlooking the sea