How to use "doing" in a sentence


I suddenly realise what I'm doing and pull the bottle out of my mouth

But it's better to be doing something than nothing

"Conseil, my boy, what are you doing here?"

'What's Dinah doing? Will they remember her milk tonight? Oh, Dinah! Why aren't you here with me? Perhaps there's a mouse here and you can eat it!'

'What are you doing out here, Mary Ann?' he asked angrily

'Well, what's it doing up there? Take it away!' said the Rabbit angrily.

'What are you doing?' she asked.

You're doing something bad tonight

The business was doing well, but I asked myself, 'What are you doing all this for?' And I knew that I had to get away.

'What are you doing here?' I asked her.

I now reiterate these sentiments; and, in doing so, I only press upon the public attention the most conclusive evidence of which the case is susceptible that the property, peace, and security of no section are to be in any wise endangered by the now incoming administration

In doing this, there needs to be no bloodshed or violence; and there shall be none, unless it be forced upon the national authority

Happily the human mind is so constituted that no party can reach to the audacity of doing this

For instance, why may not any portion of a new confederacy a year or two hence arbitrarily secede again, precisely as portions of the present Union now claim to secede from it? All who cherish disunion sentiments are now being educated to the exact temper of doing this."

To those people in the huts and villages across the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them, help themselves, for whatever period is required - not because the communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right.

As he was doing this, another man came into the room - a man with grey hair who walked with a slight limp

So what was the murderer doing? To the police Jack the Ripper was a mystery

'What are you doing?' she asked.

She turned her back on the room and began to play with it, hoping that no one could see what she was doing

One day, however, his grandfather discovered what he was doing

Marius failed to understand the trick, and made the mistake of doing so

Marius caught her and held her tightly in his arms without realizing what he was doing, lost in a mist of love

Although this made him very unpopular, he thought that his opponents would be too weak to prevent him from doing what he wanted

The tall, grey-haired man was doing useful work on the larger barricade, and Eponine (whom everyone thought was a boy) worked hard too

'What are you doing here?' he said

He stared into Valjean's eyes for a long time, then, stepping back with a look of confusion in his eyes, asked dreamily, 'What are you doing here? Who is this man?'

Valjean went into his house and called, 'It's me!' Climbing the stairs, he paused for a moment to look out of the window to see what Javert was doing

He watches us all from above and knows what he is doing among his splendid stars

One day her mother made some cakes and said to her, "Go, my dear, and see how your grandmother is doing, because she has been very ill

"What are they all doing there?"

Anyway, there are loads of robots doing the work for now."

But afterward, you were still in the city in a tiny room, surrounded by thousands of other people doing exactly the same thing

would you think about doing it with me?"

Until now, Sala hadn't even thought about doing it herself

So at least if we were both doing the same thing, it would almost feel like we were together."

"In a few years, everyone will be doing it

"So they'll end up doing Pod Life."

I loved the pod, but I'd be afraid of doing it for longer

"I'll be doing it for my family," Cham pointed out

Our two sons are doing well, and we have three grandchildren

She took me to an earth apartment and told me what they're doing."

"What have you been doing?" she asked.

It must be strange for him, not knowing where she was or what she was doing

She'd been really excited to discover what the group was doing, but she hadn't considered actually joining them

They're doing really well.

"What do you think? Could the pod be doing something to him? Changing the way he thinks somehow?"

It's doing something to his mind."

"You're doubting what the government is doing." There was a warning in Tian's voice now

"I know what he's doing is awful, but I still love him, Mom."

It's not doing me any harm at all."

I wonder what you are doing here in Monte Carlo?'

She asked me what I had been doing.

'You haven't got enough to do and so you are doing nothing,' she said unpleasantly

'What are you doing in there?' she said

'Where have you been? What have you been doing all this time?'

'I know what I'm doing.' Mrs Van Hopper looked at me again with the same unpleasant smile.

'I'm not doing anything wrong,' he said

Had Favell known Rebecca? What had he been doing in the west wing? There were some very valuable things in the house

What have you been doing with yourself? Have you done much sketching? Did you like the books I sent you? Have you had anyone to stay?'

'I don't know what she's doing,' I heard Maxim say

'What the hell do you think you're doing?' he said.

I did not know what I was doing

I sat on the cliffs for a long time doing nothing, thinking of nothing.

'What the hell are you doing here?' Maxim said to Favell.

She didn't remember doing it

He shifted from foot to foot as he talked about Magyck! Turned this way and that, gestured expansively with his quick, gem-speckled hands, virtually doing a jig.

She edged around the pit, determined to make the hateful bastard stop what he was doing, but he took a step away from her for every step that she took toward him, and he always stayed directly across the hole from her

Vivienne Neddler had been in to clean last evening, but this wasn't the kind of thing that Vivienne would be capable of doing

When she had suspected Michael of doing the dirty work, she had been disturbed and distressed, but she hadn't been frightened

Who was doing this to her?

Voice quavery, she said, "What are you doing here?"

"What were you doing on the third floor?" she demanded

"Who? Who could be doing it to you?"

If we're clever, he won't know what we're doing until the exhumation is a fait accompli

And there's another advantage in doing it this weekend

Besides, you can help by doing the drudgery, like cleaning the vegetables and chopping the onions."

He had a few chores to finish before she came, so they wouldn't have to spend a lot of time doing galley labor as they had done last night

She thanked him, and he said he was only doing his job

Pulling his covetous gaze from the car, Tom said, "What're you doing here?" There was still neither suspicion nor belligerence in his voice.

Elliot glanced in the rearview mirror, as he had been doing every minute or two since they'd turned onto Charleston Boulevard

But that's what they're doing

And the people who're holding him don't know he's doing it! They're blaming the leak on one of their own, on someone from Project Pandora."

But Michael swore he wasn't doing that

That's what I'm doing."

What you should be doing-"

All we're doing is just playing catch-up

If you have to blame someone because you're feeling guilty about what we're doing here, then blame the Chinese, not me."

"How is she doing that?" Sandstone asked.

"What're you doing here?"

But if we closed up shop, if we stopped doing this sort of research just because we were afraid of men like Tamaguchi winding up in charge of it, we'd be conceding so much ground to our enemies that we wouldn't survive for long

'No, my brother is, or was, doing research work for the Air Ministry

will you promise to destroy that fly before doing anything else?'

I had just finished cutting some meat, which was very tough, and said, waving the knife in a way that was not at all appropriate for a vicar, that anyone who murdered Colonel Protheroe would be doing the world a favour.

What are you doing this afternoon, Griselda?'

But I'm shocked at young Redding doing it

'Because only the day before the crime he said that anyone who murdered Colonel Protheroe would be doing the world a favour.'

'Were doing our best, Mrs Price Ridley,' said the Chief Constable.

And the next thing is to find out what everyone was doing that evening between six and seven

For Anne's sake.' He paused, then said, 'What are you doing in the woods, Vicar?' I didn't know what to say.

'What are you both doing here?' A little ashamed, we explained.

Strangely, I could imagine Mrs Lestrange doing that, but not blackmail.

'We know everything that Redding was doing up to 6.50 and Dr Haydock says Protheroe could not have been shot then.'

Then Miss Marple said, 'I hope dear Griselda is not doing too much

While I was doing this, a soldier ran past

As it was reported later, most of them remained busy with preparations in the pit on Horsell Common until nine that night, doing something that produced a great amount of Black Smoke.

So, doing it methodically, as a man might kill insects, the Martians spread this strange killing smoke over the country towards London

It was doing this so quickly and perfectly that I did not see it as a machine at first

Had the Martian seen me? What was it doing now?

But they won't keep doing that

There, it seemed to me, I had the best chance of learning what the Martians and human beings were doing for death

You look at the other man and say, 'What are you doing with your side of the tent?'

'What are you doing?' he answers.

'You're doing everything wrong!' you shout.

I was doing too much work on this trip

'Sissie, I don't like what you are doing

They believed in doing things, not only saying words

Some people did not like what the suffragettes were doing

Now, there is a group of young women scientists who are doing wonderful things