How to use "dollar" in a sentence


The Lido was one of those incredibly lavish productions that could be seen nowhere in the world but Vegas, for it was only in Las Vegas that a multimillion-dollar show could be staged year after year with little concern for profit; such vast sums were spent on the elaborate sets and costumes, and on the enormous cast and crew, that the hotel was usually happy if the production merely broke even from ticket and drink sales

She landed a position as choreographer for a two-bit lounge revue, a dismally cheap imitation of the multimillion-dollar Lido, and eventually she took over the costumer's job as well

Almost a year ago, shortly after Danny had died, Tina had been offered a directing and co-producing job on a huge ten-million-dollar extravaganza to be staged in the two-thousand-seat main showroom of the Golden Pyramid, one of the largest and plushest hotels on the Strip

She was also worried about being responsible for a ten-million-dollar budget

Nickel duchesses always played the cheap slot machines - nickels and dimes in the old days, now quarters - never the dollar- or five-dollar slots

They pulled the handles for hours at a time, often making a twenty-dollar bill last a long afternoon

With that attitude plus a few money-management skills, they were able to hang on longer than most slot players who plunged at the dollar machines after getting nowhere with quarters, and because of their patience and perseverance, the duchesses won more jackpots than did the tide of tourists that ebbed and flowed around them

The game minimum was a five-dollar bet, and all seven seats were taken

A neatly folded pair of twenty-dollar bills, placed without ostentation into the hand of a front-desk clerk, was almost certain to result in the timely discovery of a forgotten vacancy.

It was true that every dollar had to count, for every dollar of the Network's budget was difficult to come by

In the USA in 2016, women earned about 82 cents for every dollar a man made.