How to use "done" in a sentence


I've done quite well, but one thought still worries me: I haven't chipped much rock from the boulder

Now look what you've done! Says the first voice.

I know exactly what I've done

I can't believe I've done this

What have you done now? asks the first voice.

I've done it! I've broken both bones in my arm.

You've done it, Aron! You're FREE! FREE! FREE!

For someone close to death I have done well

It's the third time I've done this in two hours

If the slave is to be surrendered, it can be of but little consequence to him or to others by which authority it is done

What is more, I have done every one of these things in my life, and nobody has questioned the constitutional character of it.

But I do venture to suggest that it will be highly unconstitutional in the midst of this unconstitutional Government, - in the midst of a nation which has built up its magnificent constitution, - for the people of India to become weak and to crawl on their belly - it will be highly unconstitutional for the people of India to pocket every insult that is offered to them; it is highly unconstitutional for the 70 millions of Mohammedans of India to submit to a violent wrong done to their religion; it is highly unconstitutional for the whole of India to sit still and cooperate with an unjust Government which has trodden under its feet the honour of the Punjab.

'I have come back,' he said, 'because I want to find out what my friend has done with the insurance forms

I pretended to be a drunkard in order to catch you and I've done it

And I've done it!' he cried

'I have done what I promised to do.' Meltham said sadly to me

Then, his heart full of grief for what he had done, he buried his face in his hands and, for the first time in nineteen years, he cried.

'1500 francs,' Thenardier, who had already done his arithmetic, replied.

She asked, as he had done, 'What's the matter?'

'What have I done? This time he'll never come back.'

'It's done,' he said.

When he refused to kiss her cheek, she began to feel unhappy, afraid that she had done something to offend him

You came here to destroy a man, but you have done the opposite

I've done my best

"You idiots! This is an investment bank! There's no money here! Everything is done by transfer." And he looks at us all like we are children, with that arrogant expression on his face

"It's done

"Fantastic, more like! That was the best thing I've ever done in my life

"I heard that Palo has done the same as you

He hadn't done anything else for years

There's too much to be done.'

'I haven't done this very well, have I?' Maxim said

I think you've done very well, Mrs Danvers.'

It is what he has done every evening for years.

'Maxim would tell me if he wanted anything done,' Frank replied.

Forget the past, as Maxim has done

What have you been doing with yourself? Have you done much sketching? Did you like the books I sent you? Have you had anyone to stay?'

'What have I done?'

'Well done, my dear,' she said

'You've done what you wanted, Mrs Danvers,' I said

'What have I done to you?'

This must be done.'

But I can't forget what this has done to you

'There's one more thing to be done

'Well done, Frank,' said Maxim calmly

'There was nothing to be done,' he went on

Nevertheless, he must have done it

She had done a pretty damn good job of it too.

Less than ten minutes later, when the curtains opened again, the mirrors had been taken away, and the stage had been transformed into an ice rink; the second production number was done on skates against a winter backdrop so real that it made Elliot shiver.

Her original intention had been to accuse him of ripping apart Danny's room; she had been prepared to come on strong, so that even if he didn't want her to know he'd done it, he might be rattled enough to reveal his guilt

She headed toward the Golden Pyramid, where she had an office, and where work was waiting to be done.

She inspected her face in the rearview mirror to see how much damage the crying jag had done

She was positive that Michael had not done the damage in Danny's bedroom

But then, who had done it? No one else had a key

This was where the work got done

They plugged it in and tried to get it to repeat what it had done earlier, but they had no luck; the machine behaved exactly as it was meant to behave.

"Could have done it in my sleep."

I didn't dwell on it when I was alone, like I'd done for so long

If Danny were alive, and if someone were trying to get that news to you, it wouldn't be done like this, not with all these dramatic hints

Tomorrow's a holiday, so we can't get anything done officially until Friday."

Suddenly it seemed to her that she had done a mad, stupid thing when she'd hidden away like a nun for two years

Good, healthy lovemaking with a man who cared for her would have helped her recover much faster than she had done, for sex was the antithesis of death, a joyous celebration of life, a denial of the tomb's existence.

He had a few chores to finish before she came, so they wouldn't have to spend a lot of time doing galley labor as they had done last night

Not much remained to be done: The contents of three cartons in the back of the deep closet had to be sorted

"And when you're done puking your guts out," Vince said, "I'm going to grab you by your balls and drag you over to the table."

No, it can't be done long-distance

Elliot shook the machine harder than he had done the last time, then harder still, but it continued to repeat the two-word message in the voice of the country singer, as if an invisible hand were holding the pick-up stylus or laser-disc reader firmly in place.

"You must have done something to it," Al said

The active poison itself had already penetrated the victim's body, done its work, and begun to break down into a series of naturally occurring chemicals that would raise no alarms when the coroner later studied the results of the usual battery of forensic tests

If he's aged as well as he seems to have done, then he might even be sharper these days."

So if they can't open the grave and see for themselves what we've done to Danny Evans, what are they going to do instead? They're going to do the next best thing - talk to the person who was supposedly the last one to see the boy's corpse before it was sealed in the coffin

What you've done is altogether different

And although Stryker had done some heavy military service, that had been ages ago

To Dombey, she said, "We want to know what you've done to him, where he is."

Zachariah regarded her as he might have done if she had been dead on the floor and then miraculously risen.

My country's far from perfect, but what's been done to Danny Evans isn't something that my country would approve of

The things done to Danny Evans don't constitute 'great work.' They won't earn anyone immortality

For a moment Tina couldn't move, afraid to see what they had done to Danny

"Because the work has to be done

After reviewing the chaos that he had inherited, the new head of network decided that even though Darkfall was an exciting script, he didn't want to make a movie "about little creatures living in the walls." He decided that we would film the other script I had done; for which I received primary credit but not sole credit because of Writers Guild rules virtually guaranteeing the first writer some kind of credit as long as that writer's drafts had been composed in one of the languages spoken on Earth.

But I intend to know everything, Helene, and either you tell me and I'll see what is to be done, or...'

What else could it do but go to others it loves, to Henri, to you - you who might know and understand what needed to be done!'

'You've never done one.' Before Griselda could reply, a shadow fell across the table, and a very gentle voice said, 'Please forgive me

'But if there was an argument,' I argued, 'the shot may have been fired in sudden anger, and Lawrence might have been very upset afterwards about what he had done.'

'She didn't say anything about it, and she would have done if she had heard it.'

And if a third person claims to have done this murder, I shall go mad.'

'Colonel Melchett,' Miss Marple said, 'why don't you tell Mr Redding what Mrs Protheroe has done and explain that you don't believe her

'But why would he say he had done it if he hadn't?'

And I thought that if Anne had done this awful thing, I was responsible, so I went and confessed.'

'So he can't have done it.'

'But why would he have done that?'

'I knew she had done it, so what did it matter if that proved she had killed him?'

Sometimes, I believe, he really thought she had done it!' She paused

I think they understood that nothing could be done for the moment, and had gone away to have breakfast at Henderson's house

However, for most of the time the daily routine of work, food, drink and sleep went on as it had done for countless years.

An engineer told me that this was done by a man crawling forwards with a flag on a long pole

And, shining in the morning light, three of the tripods stood on the common, their tops turning as they examined the damage they had done.

'Why are these things allowed? What have we done - what has Weybridge done? The morning service was over

Usually, when it had done its work, the Martian cleared the air by blowing steam at it.

This place will be destroyed because of the bad things we have done!'

That's what has to be done.'

Yes - wait a bit, and I'll make it clearer what I think ought to be done

'What have I done? Why have you come home so angry?'

'Look at the excellent job the soldiers have done, cleaning up the country of all that dirt

Don't worry, I've done nothing wrong - but there's been an accident

'What's she done?'

What I'm about to say will hurt you, but it must be done.'

It was done with the best of intentions.'

He then told me what he had done to the register and he explained what the law does to people who commit that crime