How to use "doors" in a sentence


There were four doors in the room, but Alice couldn't open them

'Perhaps it will open one of the doors,' she thought

Most of the doors and windows were broken, and the floor was dirty

There were two doors at the top of the stairs

Shops closed early; people rushed home and locked their doors

By 11 o'clock that morning, one reporter wrote, it seemed that the whole of the East End was 'out of doors'

He knocked on the doors of people's houses, but news of his arrival had quickly spread and nobody would offer him shelter from the cold

His doors were never locked, so that anybody who needed his help could find him easily.

'The police say that he looks dangerous, and it would be better for everyone to lock their windows and doors.'

On one side of him was a tall building, all its doors and windows covered with metal bars

We are standing there in front of the glass doors, and no one is looking at us

"Get it ready," he says, and Little John takes the ladders back down the stairs to the glass doors.

Then we are at the doors

So he crosses the road slowly and casually, walks up the stone steps of the church and looks around once more before he pushes open the wooden doors and goes inside.

He looks to the right wall and sees what he is looking for: a large wooden box with two doors.

The doors of the carriages open, a few people get off, and Sarah and the commuters get on.

The doors slide open, and ten or twelve students from Chancery High School enter the carriage.

The doors open, and she quickly walks through them.

With a loud beep, the doors opened at floor sixty-three: the top

The three of them laughed and talked as they waited for the doors to open

She dived through the doors and jumped into the elevator

Here they were, almost at the doors of the pod center

Leti led them past the pods where they'd been swimming with dolphins, and then through some thick glass doors

At last, Cham came back through the doors with Leti and his parents

She turned away, and before Sala could stop her, she picked up her yellow bag and disappeared through the center's doors.

The line moved forward slowly; then a technician called Odem led them through the thick glass doors, past the test laboratory, and into a waiting room

Her knees were trembling, but along with Cham's family, she followed Zee through the glass doors.

We passed through doors and up and down wide stairs

I was in a corridor with doors on either side

The heavy bronze and glass revolving doors glittered as they spun with a steady flow of people

After the relative quiet of Christmas week, an uninterrupted stream of guests was pouring through the front doors

The sliding closet doors began to move on their runners, and Vivienne Neddler had the feeling that some awful thing was going to come out of the dark space, its eyes as red as blood and its razor-sharp teeth gnashing

Nevertheless, untouched, the doors glided shut..

The closet doors closed with a jarring crash - but they didn't open again

By ten-thirty most of the audience had left and those who hadn't gone yet were in line, moving up the steps toward the rear doors of the showroom

The closet doors were open, and all the clothes inside appeared to have been thrown on the floor

She walked back through the shopping arcade, rode the escalator up to the casino, and made her way through the noisy crowd to the front doors

She imagined herself leaving her office, walking down the long hallway, opening doors, peering into silent, deserted offices, until at last she found a man sitting at another terminal

On windy days, the dust was as thick as fog, and it pushed its dirty little cat feet under doors, around windows, and through attic vents.

In the Mercedes, in the darkness, with the doors locked, she said, "No wonder we haven't been able to figure it out!"

He didn't lock the doors, because it was possible that he and Tina would need to get into the car in a hurry when they returned.

Two doors opened, and a pair of tall, darkly dressed men climbed out.

In the car again, with the doors locked and the engine running and the heater operating full-blast, they sat in stunned silence, basking in the warm air, but shivering nonetheless.

That same traitorous bastard is also up there in the labs right this minute, ready to open the gates and doors to them

One passageway extended fifty feet to the left of the door and fifty feet to the right; on both sides were more doors, all shut, plus a bank of four elevators on the right

The intersecting hall began directly in front of them, across from the guardroom, and bored at least four hundred feet into the mountain; a long row of doors waited on each side of it, and other corridors opened off it as well.

"We can't just go around jerking open doors."

Ten feet away, a set of elevator doors opened.

The doors closed.

Even before Elliot had lowered the pistol, the same set of elevator doors slid open again

The cab was empty, and they boarded it, and the doors glided together.

According to the indicator board above the doors, they were on the fourth of four levels

The doors slid open three floors below the surface, on the next to the last level.

The elevator doors closed behind them, and around them, the air grew warmer again.

He always locked all the doors carefully

That's why he lived a lonely life and locked all his doors so carefully

'Do you remember I once told you about some mysterious flying stones in India? They come flying into houses as it thrown from outside, even though the doors and windows are closed.'

And as he was writing, someone came in through the garden doors, came up behind the colonel and shot him

'Do you mind, Mrs Protheroe, just showing us exactly what you did?' Inspector Slack pushed open the glass doors, and she stepped outside and walked round the house to the left

Three went through the open doors of the Oriental College and two began running from house to house

He went to bed a little after midnight and was woken in the early hours of Monday morning by the sound of knocking on doors, feet running in the street, distant drumming and the ringing of bells

There was a noise of doors opening, and the lights went on in window after window in the houses across the street.

The Martians understood doors!

Here I moved through areas which had been totally destroyed and others which were totally undamaged; houses with their curtains and their doors closed

In June 2018, the Azadi Stadium's doors were opened to women and men during the last two Iran games at the 2018 World Cup.